Bret Baier REVEALS Kamala Harris SABOTAGED Fox News Interview, Psychotic Staff Screamed: ‘CUT FEED!’



Everyone that I know that was voting for Harris, i had a talk with, now are voting for Trump 24 Amen

Bret Baier looked 20 times more presidential than Kamala.


  1. it’s no doubt that Cackles is Way out of her league and it’s costing the taxpayer a ton of money for her fliting around the country if Trump was not running then she wouldn’t be running

  2. I watched that interview, and was disappointed. Brett should have told her to stop filibustering, that she was invited to talk about her policies on important topics, not rant about Trump. Also, on her “I’m talking” bs, the response should be…”I will when you decide to answer the question I asked”. Why not point out, live on air, that she was 17 minutes late, that her people were constantly waving their arms to stop the questions, or her from answering, and then to wrap up only 20 minutes into the planned, 25-30 minute interview? Why not close with how disrespectful she was to him, to his crew, and to the people who tuned in hoping for answers on her policy positions, not another rant against Trump. I’m so damned tired of the nasty left getting away with bullying the friendly right. Speak up! Stop letting them get away with this BS!!

    • You’re a biased idiot. You’re voting for the child molester/serial wife cheater/greatest liar of all time/tax cheat/crybaby/insurrectionist/biggest sore loser/rapist/dark people racist. And you’re complaining just like your leader?? Better have your psychiatrist diagnose your mental disorder, so you can get the treatment you need lol

  3. What did Fox expect? She is known to be a poor listener; a rambler of thoughts; loves to take control; never answer a simple direct question and just bad mouth the opposition!
    These traits are those of a low IQ person! Heck, my goldfish has a higher IQ than Kamala!!

  4. We do not need a bully sitting in the oval office, and especially one who can’t even answer a question without cackling about it, then refusing to answer it, then blaming the other guy!


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