Matt Gaetz Makes Blockbuster Announcement – Congress Gets Rocked



All I can say is remember Russia, Russia , Russia !



  1. Show us the proof. Show us. If it’s true, then he needs to go, go away now, but if it’s not he needs to sue their asses off. Men have no moral compass when it comes to ass. They are fools, idiots, Ask JFK, Slick Willy, and numerous others. The power of pussy is the domination of the world. Everything is based on it, Muslims, Christians. Their laws are around this. Muslims make women wear a tent, so men aren’t tempted… OMG.. give me a break. They can’t control their boners? Catholic girls, in my day, were told to die, be murdered before giving it up. Heaven guaranteed. So…. is it so hard to buy this filth… about Matt? No, it’s not. He is no more immune than any other man. Gay or straight. Men prioritize one thing, over children, family, wife, station in life, public humiliation. AZZ and . PUZZEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Yes…BS. I replied to ‘MARKIE’ below (Tired of Chauvinists).
        HE’s scary because he is the kind that USE and ABUSE women for their own pleasure – nothing mutual. A future ‘Dateline’ episode.

    • All I can say is that the demon rats have lied in the past about Trump and every Republican they can. They should be looking in their own backyard! Biden was sleeping with Jill when she was 15 years old! She was his babysitter! Also Biden’s first wife mysteriously died in a car accident?? Also Biden took showers with his own young daughter, she has admitted it and hated it! So the Democrats are by no way innocent, they just lie,lie,lie! All of them! I can’t wait until most of them are gone and dead, so we can have a new beginning! I’m so sick of their lies and corruption we had to deal with for 4 years! I support Matt, I think he’s innocent!

    • It seems like you hate men! I don’t! I love men. Their are many good men out there, that are respectful and kind. I married one and he’s was the most loving, kind, respectful man I ever met! Maybe you need counseling??

    • WELL…MARKIE- YOU talk the talk and I”LL BET you walk the walk! Your dirty, nasty references to WOMEN (the superior sex!) only goes to show your lack of respect, and one of the reasons so many men can’t control their ‘BONERS’, AND, so many women are raped . . . and even murdered.
      IF men concentrated more on RESPECTING the women they know (and love) they might GET MORE! From experience I can tell you a gentle approach gets a much better response.
      MEN (you?) need to learn HOW to make ‘love’ to a woman.
      IN THE MEAN TIME . . . just so you know . . . WOMEN HATE SEX WITH SELFISH MEN LIKE YOU WHO DON’T KNOW WHAT ‘MAKING LOVE’ IS SUPPOSED TO BE!!! And suck up the nasty words, cock sucker! Women
      are special, beautiful gifts. TREAT them like it!

  2. we already know what the left is capable of….lies, slanderous lies attested to by heads of our cia, defense dept, current leadership in the so called biden administration…. nothing but lies and who is always punished in the corrupt dnc media…. republicans. I would never trust a gov’t official connected to this current admin and state run media. President Trump has his work cut out for him that’s for sure. I know about 80 million plus voters who definitely feel the same way

  3. most of ALL in socialist Amerika have enemies. We the People in the RED (sane) states need to STOP funding them (communist/a-holes). The founders and Jesus said to SEPARATE from such (evil) gov’t. WHY do we NOT OBEY? cowardice & ignorance (pussies)

  4. We need Matt as house Speaker not that worm we have now that crawls to do the dems biddding Matt will fight for the ppl that why they hate him He tried to stop there Pork johnson loves pork and will keep Pres Trump from making MAGA just like snake mitch

    • Mitch the snitch! He is such a liar! I can’t stand to even look at him or the drunken Pelosi! They are so old, you would think that they would like to retire, but oh NO, they want to hold onto that power! If it were me, I’d be retiring on some sunny island enjoying my senior years in luxury and peace. This is why we need term limits ! Their Moto is “die before you retire!” That’s greed! We need younger politicians in office, not those half dead old coots!!

  5. It used to be innocent until proved guilty. Now it’s guilty until proved innocent. I think they should investigate the rat who leaked to the news media and how much cash they got for it.

  6. I’ll believe Mr. Matt Gaetz before I’d believe any of those demonrats that tried their best to take down America with their lies, made up fairy tales; tried to ruin families and the clincher, turning on their senile leader, throwing him under several buses to try more dirty tricks to steal another election. I say to Matt, go for it and make them eat crow, feathers and all.

  7. Truth is defined in the dictionary as “the property of being in accord with fact or reality.” In everyday language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality or otherwise correspond to it, such as beliefs, propositions, and declarative sentences. (

    While Donald Trump didn’t invent the concept, he popularized the term “fake news” as he campaigned for office, and while serving in office, and has continued the term now that he is being returned to office.

    To him, The term means anything that he disagrees with, whether fact or not. Many Republicans have jumped on that bandwagon and either using the term “fake news,” or, using the term “alternative facts” are casting doubt on the validity of the facts at hand.

    Enough already! There is truth, and there are lies. There is no such thing as “alternative facts!” Let there be no ambiguity about what is truth.

    Here is where the rubber meets the road when defining truth:

    A. Past truth is defined as actual events that took place in the physical universe in the past.

    B. Present truth is defined as actual events that are taking place in the physical universe now.

    C. Future truth is defined as actual events that will certainly occur in the future without outside influence or change in behavior or action by a person or persons, or any other circumstances that have the power to control or influence the future event.

    D. Truth is also defined as knowledge that is undeniable, unassailable, or beyond reproach.

  8. If ANYONE is STUPID enough to believe ANY main Street media supposed news, you deserve to walk in life THE STUPID MORONIC person you are. I don’t say this to dog anyone out but to make the point THAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP DO JUST A LITTLE RESEARCH and realize that these so called news outlets are and have been LIEING to the American people for decades.
    And TRUMP was THE person that had the balls to call them out for years because they needed to be called on their treasonous actions and lies that have shaped the main Street so called NEWS for longer than I have been alive.
    STOP BEING A MORON OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS TO THE TRUTH and quit being led around by people that don’t respect you don’t care about you and if your a TRUMP supporter they HATE TOU YOUR FAMILY AND ANYONE THAT THINKS LIKE YOU.


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