California Voters RAGE At Democrats As Fire Damage Before and After Shows True Apocalypse



Californian here and I voted for Trump. We need voter ID here

They also fired all the firefighters who refused the COVID shot!!!


  1. They knew what they were voting for. They were warned. Now they are paying the price. Vote for stupid people get stupid results. I’m not saying you deserve this, but.

    • There were plenty that wanted Newsom impeached but unfortunately there were more stupid people that voted against it and voted him back in.

  2. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you voted for Gavin more than once this is your fault.

  3. I doubt anyone would want to move to CA now.. Also, businesses will be leaving in ”droves” along with many california residents. CA is a ”One Party Rule” state.. I know, I live here. It’s sad what’s been happening in CA for decades..

    • The problem is the people that move to other states bring their ideology with them. I’m a transplant from CA since 1994 but I fortunately live in a red state with a few blue pockets. We are a very strong red state – even more so now. I would NEVER consider moving back. It’s a shame what the Dems have done to CA – it used to be one of the most desirable states to move to way back when. Everything the Dems touch turns to sh*t – kinda like the opposite of the Midas touch.

  4. The densest of the dense will continue to blindly vote dimocratic. This time however, perhaps this gross mismanagement will change the voting patterns of enough folks to make a difference in the next election.

  5. I’m a Texan. However, I think it is criminal what they have done to a beautiful state. Unfortunately, I have to agree with previous comments. The electorate will continue to vote for incompetent demosocialist. Therefore, please stay in California and don’t inflict your ignorance on other states.

  6. Maybe the people voted Republican, but with democratic election supervisors, you always get a democratic politician. Voter ID and have all polling stations with Republican Constringent. The democratic supervisors allow for your dog and cats to vote

  7. Well here I go again and maybe I should just stay quiet? I live in Montana where we do try to be effective when managing our forests. First we try to remove any ladder fuels, if you are a landowner you clear a defensible space around structures, hey we even thin our land. Now I know these are radical ideas but they have been working for us.

  8. Sadly I live in blue state Colorado. It used to be a great place to live. I used to love going to Denver the 16th street mall, the museum, Coors Field to see a ballgame, Mile High Stadium to see the Broncos and the great restaurants downtown. Now I don’t even go near Denver with all the crime and illegals. The Democrats destroy everything they touch and that includes the state I grew up in- California. Quit voting for these rats and let’s get rid of the blue states.

  9. If the demoncrats in CA have not learned their lesson that the demoncrat leaders left them behind and do not care about them, after their houses have burned and they are receiving no aid, they never will So demoncrats should remain in CA so they do not stupidify the red states and bring d-sasters to the red states. I live in a blue state extremed with a gross, untalented, ignorant and insd-ne Gov and majority congress, senate, 2 dem US senators – one h-spanic and one african-american, 1 (hispanic) in prison for corruption and the other us senator is not doing anything for the state. In this blue state, Prestigious BLUE RIBBON High Schools permit furry students in High School to have litter boxes in the rest rooms and the custodians are furious and they state that students need to clean their own litter boxes as the custodians refuse – this same township tries to reduce police force/defund the police ideology, students go into any bathroom of their choice, same for lockers, playing on any team they want. So this state is grooming future GREASY GRU-SOME NEWSC-M type of leaders – it all starts with the Liberal left parents and/or schools/teachers: ideology. If the demoncrats were smart, they would have converted to Republican after the fires already and asked for a recall of N-WSCUM. And in my blue state another BLUE RIBBON district brought in DR-G QU-EN presentation on school premises to elementary age children. Parents complained about it to no avail. Most school districts extreme liberal left.


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