EXPLOSIVE Findings: More Harris Family Freemasonry? | Candace Ep 95



Candace, I was born and raised here in Nova Scotia and not too far from where Mr. Harris was born. Many families from here have been here for generations (my family included). Most of us, “bluenosers,” can trace our linage (without the use of DNA sites) from as far back as the ships that brought them here to the “new world.”” Also, a lot of people kept diaries and family bibles with family trees. Many of our attics are rich in such history. With that said, if you need me to take a drive and dive, I certainly can accommodate. Many old timers are full of knowledge and are always more than happy to share stories and their attics. I’m recently retired and bored. Let me know if I can be of service.
PS, many of our smaller communities have little museums and often old ship ledgers and records that have not (nor ever will) be found online.
PS..wow thank you all for your comments, I never expected even a like!!
With that said, I’m going to leave in the morning and spend a few days digging and talking, I also speak a little celtic with a strong NS accent..who would ever think this would be a blessing lol. I’m not too sure how to send a message or email to Candace or her team, if anyone out there could pass this on I would greatly appreciate it.

Candace is single-handedly bringing down Kamala’s whole career and risking her life to expose lies, I respect and admire her bravery.


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