All HELL BREAKS LOOSE (In the Next Few Months) says FED Insider, Danielle DiMartino Booth


“All HELL BREAKS LOOSE” (In the Next Few Months) says FED Insider, Danielle DiMartino Booth. Everyone’s getting fired across all industries, says Danielle. U.S. recession is here and the housing market is crashing.


Back when the Covid stimulus checks were issued, the cashiers and baggers at my local supermarket were celebrating. I said to them, do you see those bags of groceries? Next year, they will cost twice as much.” They laughed. They are not laughing today.

Retired. Sold my home in 2020. Bought a truck camper and been traveling the last 4 years. What i am seeing during my travels has been eye opening. Spend a lot of overnights at walmart. People living in their cars and these are the people that WORK at walmart. Have seen people living in the wooded areas BEHIND walmart. More people panhandling on corners. Ive seen people panhandling then leave later in their cars. Business at McDonald’s and burger king dropped off tremendously . Truck traffic on the hiways is not what it used to be. Dont believe all the bullshit the government is telling you. IAM SEEING IT EVERY DAY and its getting WORSE.


  1. Well folks this is Bidenomics and Kamala Harris loves it and states it is working. Well folks welcome to your future if yall elect them.

  2. And Gov. Walz is worse than Biden and Harris. He has been killing us with all the spending her in MN. And yes most of it is going to the wrong places. Never, ever Should an educator be elected to public office. This is the 2nd one in a row as Gov. of MN. NOt much left here to tax.

  3. For those working in 2008-2009, you watched as major insurers and banks went under, and were bailed out by US Taxpayers. In the past 4 years, you’ve watched as 20 Million Illegals invaded America and were 100% rewarded for doing so! Nice paid vacation for foreigners whose countries are dependent on US Taxpayers who have received nothing but a kick to the head from the Government. The Government is the enemy, and if you don’t stand up to the Government, they will continue to bury you.

  4. Amen to all comments so far. All we can do is pray and ask GOD to help us all use good solid judgement on election day.

  5. Any American that votes for Kamala is not a true patriotic AMERICAN!! The communist Democrat party is out to destroy America!! You vote Democrat you are unknowingly signing your own death certificate !!
    The democrat party is the party of SATAN !? All you have to do is look at their agenda

  6. Lawrence, I agree, but with the brainwashed plantation zombies that’s a hard sell to get them off the democratic free money high they’ve been on for many decades.

    • So true!! The elites in Democrat party could put Stalin or Mao tse Tung on ballot and put “D” behind name and the brainwashed fools would vote for him . Hillary was correct once when she said “Democrat voters are basically Stupid…”


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