Biden JUST PISSED off 87 million Americans!



I still say the president needs to be prosecuted for treason

I don’t know if I’m more angry about the plea deals for 911 terrorists, or the fact that these individuals are STILL alive in the first place. What a TOTAL disgrace!


  1. You already have millions of reasons NOT to vote democrat ever again, and Biden just keeps add to the reasons not to vote for them!

  2. In the first place Biden is not the president. They stole the election. Everything he has done is illegal and will be reversed. He can’t pardon anyone. That will be revoked and everything he did will be revoked. Biden and Obama are both illegal and they both will be punished if not by man for sure by God Almighty. They are nothing and they will get the same as they have given ..murderers treason liars robbers evil above anything this world has ever known.

  3. I don’t understand how Biden could pardon Hunter for crimes committed when Joe was VP. I thought that was only reserved for lying Joe when he was president

  4. Why hasn’t the press or anyone else asked Biden, Why has he and his administration turned against our country? To my understanding this is Treason. The Democrats have been hiding Bidens decline from the beginning of taking office. The Democrats and his administration and whoever has been running the Presidents office also needs to be liable as well. Bidens foreign policies have ruined the U.S.

  5. FJB. That son of a bitch should be prosecuted for treason and face the firing squad. Unfortunately, that won’t happen. He’ll ride off into the sunset with full-blown dementia and Oldtimer’s (Alzheimer’s). How long before Jill stuffs him into a nursing home? He’s of no use to her once he’s out of office.

  6. You are making specious comments that are missing foundational facts. You have no idea why a plea bargain was agreed upon. It is possible that agreeing to a plea bargain was the way to get the offenders to admit to wrong doing. You have no sense of what the prosecution’s case consisted of, and whether they thought they had a strong enough case to insure a conviction without a plea bargain. BTW- I’m a World Trade Center Survivor.

  7. Evil begets evil.The masks are coming off in the government one by one to expose who these people really are and what they are all about.

  8. DISAGREE. TERRORISTS SHOULD GET D-ath Penalty. Biden is demented but his whole life was a j-rk, he was mean, arrogant toward all colleagues in congress and everyone he knew. GREAT PRESENTATION STEPHEN YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH. Get all ISIS out of country if not citizen and if US citizens then they should go to prison to prevent this in the future.

  9. Take Joe Biden power away from him. He has done enough damage to the people of the United States of America. I ” was ” a Democrat no more. They have disgrace my rights 😔. Time for the citizens to step up. Before he is out Before he gives the United States AWAY. Congress is just as a Thief as Joe and Kamala. I hope the people voted for Joe and Kamala get twice as much karma 🙏. They have hurt us. Enjoy because all of this is your fault. Have a few more days of DESTRUCTION.


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