BREAKING: Massive 2024 Voter Fraud Operation Was Just Stopped In CRITICAL Swing-State: ‘Criminal!’




Federal law states you HAVE to be a US citizen period


  1. I would be more surprised if there hadn’t been ANY voter fraud. We all expected it. I think there should be heavy fines and jail time for voter fraud, period. The Dems know they’re losing and this is the only way they can win. It’s part of their playbook.

    • Although true, the death penalty will never happen. Also, maybe the death penalty is too quick. Life in prison at Gitmo would send a message too. Isolation from the rest of the world is good punishment for those who lived high on the hog off of taxpayers for years. They cheated, lied, stole from hard working Americans. What a rude awakening for those that would have to live the rest of their miserable lives in their new stark conditions.

  2. It’s treason and the ones doing it should go to prison including women. This is America we don’t have a third world nation.

    • Think it might be you if you believe everyone is lying but you..take a good look around and if you can’t see what’s been going on for 4 years , that’s on you,it’s so easy to see..and experience..

    • Jasmine belz, when the state discovered it you think it is a lie ??
      Why ??. Democrats have continually been caught in voter fraud and corruption !!
      Ever heard of dead people voting??
      Maybe you are in denial or you are crazy one

  3. why do black churches let Harris and her husband, attent their church, when she only uses them for votes, and their cheating already, weak up America, ok most America ,she can,t run our country, .

  4. Simple solution! Any illegal person, voting in our election, breaking federal law, is immediately deported and life time ban from USA. If returned to USA it is mandatory 20 years in jail. Any American citizen involved in illegal activities with voting faces mandatory 5 years in jail. If involved with more than 1,000 votes of fraud this requires 15 years in jail. Integrity must be preserved!

  5. I know for a fact that it’s happening. Someone registered to vote using my address, so we began getting this person’s voter info. I called the election office here in NV, and the gentleman I spoke to said that this person had “signed up with an organization”, and there was no notation of ID used. If it smells like BS, it usually is.

  6. In the 2020 elections there were 3.6 million more votes cast than there were legally registered voters- you need a college course in Statistics and it will be clear that Mail-In Balloting is a Democrat voter fraud that was used due to Covid which did not prevent children to lose two years of learning in countries like Sweden ! If your children are not able to compete with foreign nation’s children-thank the Teachers’ Union !!

  7. My wife and I went to vote on the first day in Illinois, after voting my wife informed me she could vote again because her name was on the list twice.
    I wonder how that happened
    The whole Country needs voter Ids! Also what is the reason for a voters registration card, if they can’t look at it?


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