BREAKING: Trump Lawyer SHOCKS the WORLD With Latest News!



I’m VOTING for PRESIDENT TRUMP a man who cares and is for his country and people not against them !!! God bless Trump and the American people 24

Stand with President Trump. Vote for President Trump/Vance 2024 to save our country ❤️


  1. Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats look what the shape of the country is in when Democrats are in charge. Now they are trying to let illegals to vote which is unconstitutional but they don’t care about the American people or Law’s.

      • Linda, it is TRUE!! Look it up !! Many democrat states are giving ILLEGALS drivers license, ID cards so they can vote !!
        Democrats don’t obey laws especially when it comes to voter fraud, illegals voting, dead people voting .
        No documentation needed on communist democrat state

        • not to DARE mention, killing people on our highways. Does THAT sound like democracy (mob rule) to you? YES, that is exactly what Abraham Lincoln did when he was POTUS/tyrant. Death & debt, just like today, 163 years later. RED states need to separate from this evil empire, AGAIN!

  2. I will absolutely vote for President Trump. When he was in office I felt safe, I didn’t fear a WWIII, as I do now. All I can say is that this current administration has ruined our country and our democracy. I just want to say to Mothers and Fathers as well as Grandparents if you vote for another 4 years of this administration and their intent to destroy democracy you are putting your children that are of age for a draft and certain firing squad. I feel sad that you could vote for Harris, who wants to take our freedom away.

  3. Donna, I thoroughly agree with what you wrote. However, I truly feel that before Biden leaves next January we will be in WW3 and if Trump is elected, guess who will be blamed for the mess he inherited.

  4. I will vote for Trump. RC, there’s a good possibility WW3 could start at any time. It could be about Ukraine, Israel, or it could start in the South China Sea. Keep in mind, had Trump been reelected, the war in Ukraine and the attack on our ally Israel wouldn’t have happened. Elections have consequences and we’re seeing the consequences of dopey Joe’s election. Don’t blame me. I voted for Trump.

  5. Trump is the most selfish, corrupt, power hungry to ever run for POTUS. He only thinks of himself and never the country. We must do all we can to make sure he never is allowed in that office again.

      • Linda, get your information correct! It is communist Democrats that are attacking free speech !! Even Hillary is saying people should be thrown in jail for speech that is not in line according to Democrats

    • STeve, it is hilarious to see how scared the uneducated ignorant democrat cult is of Trump!! Yo all swallow all the lies and BS fed you!

    • Steve you are incredibly ignorant because you give no substance to your claims. Only your obvious uneducated opinion. If you like the way things are going please send your kids/grandkids to war instead of mine! Thanks because I voted for Trump and will again!

    • TRUMP loses money when he was POTUS. Everyone else (even the socialist idiots) get rich when POTUS. Trump can’t be bought, that is why the socialist hate him, claim they are “tolerant, inclusive and equitable. Even Kumalot Harrass called sloppy Joe Obiden a racist. One time, she/it told the truth. ONCE !

    • trump, only the second president who was in the white house four years and never took a paycheck. Tired of the rhetoric…He was worth three billion when he took office. google trump properties…he’s an entrepreneur, he has helped NYC and when our military returned from Iraq it was he who paid for the parade in NYC when others said they didn’t have the money. trump accomplishments, white house entry, google and learn

  6. Steve, we could say that about Hillary Clinton, Andy Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newscum, dopey Joe Biden, and several others. I will vote for Trump. Try and stop me.

  7. Steve,

    How in the world can you say those things about Trump. He’s been the target of Democrats since he first ran for office. Unjustly I might add.
    What they have done to him is flat out criminal. From the Russia Gate lies on and on. Biden on the other hand has made himself and all of his family multi millionaires. Talk about corrupt!
    Trump will end all this and MAGA!
    Vote as if your life depends on it because it does!
    Democrats are a true threat to democracy.

    • sadly, the Bush family was raised the same way. They are yankees from Maine, NOT Texas. Prescott Bush funded Hitler, 11 months after Pearl Harbor. Henry Ford did too. Amerika is still sleeping with the enemy. That use to be called treason (when we were a republic)

  8. Look up the true facts on Politifact. Trump donated his salary for four years as president to various organizations. He just visited a grocery store and gave a woman money for groceries. Pinocchio is a drunk so shut up about Trump.


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