Colorado woman lashes out at ABC host after gangs took over apartment



When Donald Trump returns to the White House so will law and order!!!!

Colorado Grandma for Trump ❤️


    • Do not overestimate Harris, a common streetwalker of low intellect. If she is “elected,” the inner state would entrust her the management of the Nevada brothels, according to her professional background. The important decisions would be taken by the serious inner state persons.

    • She is not a Marxist. That is too complicated for her. She is a common harlot who made her “career” with offering what she has between her legs to the powerful married men. Being a call girl, she would do and say just about anything just to get into the White House. Her mate Walz is simply a mental patient trying to hide his disease behind the impressions of power.

  1. It wasn’t only what she said, it was how she said it. Accusingly and trying to trap JD Vance into admitting Trump was a liar because he spoke in global terms. But Trump did not misspeak, the entire town is under siege because of the fear it creates.

    Vance is right, these people argue like 4 year olds. “I didn’t do it, you did!” “I didn’t beat up my sister, I only punched her a little and kicked her in the stomach.”

    “A handful senator! A handful” Sad!

  2. Denver /Aurora is the new woke capitol of the USA, vying for becoming California. The local network news consistently hides the race, the amount of property crime, the horror, the amount of local crime in order to gas light the locals who are told not to believe their eyes. They deny the takeover of the gangs, the piles of trash/tents/needles of the homeless in order to make sure the state draws all the cream-puff, candy ass trans/WOKE to the state. While the “leaders”fill their pockets. They are destroying a once Purple, very livable, happy state. How the hell are folks so STUPID AND BLIND….??

  3. REALLY NOW ???
    “When Donald Trump returns to the White House so will law and order!!!!
    EVEN Possibly?? to PUTIN’s RUSSIA!!

    • That is the most ignorant post Ive seen today. Thank you for confirming my suspicions about the type of folks supporting Harrass.

      • Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”
        Only these “stupid” people would vote for Harris

      • Let me tell you something trump didn’t make the economy great when he was in office last time he inherited Obamas economy that was so good you crazy people believe everything he says he almost destroyed this country but you would not know that because you got your head so far up his ass just remember what you voted for if he gets in office and destroys it and doesn’t keep one promise he made

        • Joe, the economy was in the crapper under obama. Trump’s policies built a strong economy !! Do your research!!
          Under Trump
          Lowest unemployment in decades
          Lowest unemployment for Blacks, women and teenagers in decades
          Stock market soared.
          Gas under $2 gallon.
          Economy flourished.

          It is YOU that has your head when they destroy America so far up your communist Democrat masters ass that you can’t see forest for the trees.

          If the MARXIST communist Kamala and Walz who is an avowed communist with strong ties to CCP remember what YOU voted for . They have been caught in lies after lie after lie !!
          The prostitute says she will NOT change any of Biden policies!
          So we will continue to have the HIGHEST INFLATION IN over 40+ yrs, crime will be rampant, millions more ILLEGALS coming across the border and that includes murderers, rapists, thieves , gangs, fentanyl, terrorists, etc .
          Higher grocery prices, gas prices, clothing, medical!!
          Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” She was looking at Joe.
          The democrat cult is so ignorant and uneducated and gullible it is pathetic!!

    • The problem with part of your rhetoric is the part about God. Your party doesn’t believe in God so don’t invoke him in your line of sh*t. Conservatives are being arrested as terrorists for peacefully praying in public. God has been removed from schools and other public places. Kamala even recently told rally attendees that they were at the wrong rally when they yelled out “God”. She is a heathen just as the rest of the far leftists. The transgender freaks have already offended God as they have screwed with God’s creations. Abortion is murdering God’s creations.
      The far leftists have broken every commandment repeatedly. They mock God and his followers. Hopefully many of the mind-bended WOKE followers will awaken before it’s too late. This is the modern Sodom and Gomorrah and you all will be “deported” to hell. Satan hopefully will have enough room for all of you heathens who chose not to awaken. We need God back into our lives. That’s what’s been sorely missing in this depraved and evil society. God Bless America. God Bless Trump/Vance.

    • Jag, the REAL GOD, JESUS, will save America from the SATANIC DEMOCRAT PARTY!
      THE REAL GOD does not condone the satanic agenda of abortion, infanticide, child mutilation, transgender, LGBT, drag queens in school, porn in school libraries, lawlessness all promoted by Jag’s satanic communist Democrats !!

      Jag can Keep praying to his god, Satan, but true Americans never will !!

    • Dear, did you have a chance to finish elementary school? Your post is a collection of random letters and words that do not make sense. Please, enroll in the special adult education evening classes to learn how to read and write.

  4. The biggest problem is people think illegal invaders are migrants, which is totally ignorant, a migrant is a person that fallows the laws to migrate in the USA. Illegal invaders are criminals and should be stopped and thrown out of the nation!

  5. Trump had removed many restructions on people that were suffocated by red tape, burdensome regulations, and a stonewall movement. No wars, no inflation, higher real wages, lowest poverty rate among all classes, and no mass invasion but under Biden-Harris we got a world on fire and an America we can’t identify. Now I see those that want to make it far worse and most incompetent duo in ouy history.

  6. I bet some of them in Congress can’t even recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Oh, the joy and the sugar coating Dem politicians tell you what you want to hear and then turn on the people of our country once in office. The D word is not going to put food on the table or keep you safe. If you unfortunately live in a sanctuary city, move. They are giving money to illegals now, but your sanctuary cities will become rundown and unlivable in the future.


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