Elon Musk Notices Something About the Wildfires No One Noticed



Who else wants to see Newsom gone for good, recalled, never seen again, investigated, prosecuted and imprisoned?!

Newsom is the Trudeau of America


  1. Didn’t I read periodically that China owns half of California and/or much of it? So does Newsom take his marching orders from Xi? Even if didn’t, he may as well, as he and Xi both have as much use for USA as the devil. Purposely cutting Fire Dept personnel, having empty hydrants, cutting back on the water supply (whether for the bogus reason he cares about smelt, or he just hates Americans), this in my opinion is at the very least criminal negligence, abuse of office, malfeasance, and he should be run out of town at the least, and at the best prosecuted to the nth degree.

  2. Since . . . ALL THE TREES and vegetation burned up anyway . . . WHY don’t they just use ocean water to drown the fires and SAVE the homes and people??? I REMEMBER being very young when ‘they’ talked about the desalination plants ‘they’ were going to build for water storage! What happened??? THE COST of building desalination plants, supported with solar energy, would have been far less the cost of these loses in LA. ……..NO wonder Musk left California!

  3. Do YOU KNOW . . . approximately 150 species go EXTINCT -EVERY DAY!!!
    So we lose a few ‘Smelt’. . . For Heaven’s sake! TWENTY-FOUR dead so far, over 20 missing and we know the toll will grow. Not to mention the number of animals gone and treasured possessions … I sure hope no one ever puts MY life behind a ‘smelt’! (Hold your nose!)

  4. New Dawn, you’re right about that. They have an unlimited supply of water in the Pacific Ocean. Build desalination plants! But the green weenie environmentalists put the kibosh on that. The plants would use too much energy and putting all that salt back into the ocean would somehow “pollute” it. Israel built desalination plants, but we can’t?

    • Your stupid! 4 years ago the economy was rocking; then your Biden destroyed it all in 4 short years! You’re trying to blame Trump for the last 50-100 years of Dems/Libs destroying our Country! Wake up sleeper!

    • Real Scientist will tell you that over the last 150 years the Flat Earths temperature has changed by .0001! Your being hoaxed by a great lie by our Gubernet paid lying Scientist!

    • You are nuts 100% uninformed crazy. No such thing as “Climate change”Republicans wanted to do so many good things and the Idiot Dems blocked them. Sick of really dumb people

    • Pam isn’t very informed!! No surprise! She is a lib cult member!
      Newsom and Democrats are to blame !! They continually slashed budgets and stopped programs that could have prevented this !!
      Pam quit watching the liars on MSM !!

  5. All you tRump supporters will. See this country destroyed under tRump he will do nothing for the Americans he will only help the wealthy his legacy will become more evil each day
    Be ye prepared the wrath of felon tRump is upon us

    • Damn Pam; haven’t we been down this stupid road over and over again! Trump gave a tax break to the rich 8 yrs ago! Biden; will remove it day 1; never happened! Trump imposed Tariff’s on China to give the money to our Farmers! Biden said on day 1 he would remove! Never did! Face it Loser! The Dems/Libs are a lying machine that tries to blame all their failures on the Republicans! The Dems and Libs have done nothing for the people of America over the last 100 yrs accept raise taxes and create new ones! When will you realize that the Dems/Libs long ago cared about the people, but it was a hoax to allow them to empty your wallet/purse! Every year it’s the same old crap! We would like to help you, but we need more money to keep our criminal organization in control! Do me a favor Pam! Look up the definition of the word Democracy! Then look up Constitutional Republic! Post both definitions on here and tell me which you believe in and why?

    • Pam spouting sama ole same ole lies fed her! She is displaying her total ignorance. She is showing how uneducated and ignorant the Democrat cult really is.

  6. Hey Pam, you are too stupid for my comments. In case you haven’t noticed, dopey Joe Biden is doing a very good job of destroying our country. 4 more years of dopey Joe and America will be a third world cesspool. The “felonies” Trump was “convicted” of will not survive appeal. It’s all bullshit.

  7. So-called climate change does not start fires. Arsonists, homeless and illegal aliens start fires. FYI, I’m a Republican. I served my country, only to see it being destroyed by dopey Joe Biden. FJB! The end of his disastrous “presidency” can’t come soon enough.

    • And Newsome’s bad envirornmental forestry failures. Never mind the hallowed “Smelts. Put them in a bucket and relocate them EASY!


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