Harris surrogate admits she felt ‘misled’: ‘Billion-dollar disaster’



The party of “poor people” spent $1B in 3 months on a losing case

Spent $1 billion to say two things:
– I grew up middle class
– Vote for me because I’m not Trump


  1. These illegal aliens need to read the writing on the wall and get in the front of the line to head home so their families have more options as far as jobs, and more flexibility in finding a new location to live. Jobs early on may be plentiful as investors anticipate the needs, the schooling, and housing the swarm to follow.

    If these aliens had reasons to abandon their life and location before, by hesitating and allowing tens of millions of others to go back ahead of them it could make their ability to adapt to the situation even more difficult.

  2. Oh, her wealthy liberal donors were misled. No doubt about it. They were sold a bill of goods. Pundits were saying the airhead wouldn’t win. But if you said that, you were labeled an “outlier”.

    • Unfortunately, these donors that were mislead didn’t do their research. They believed her word salads and promises. If they can’t wisely choose who to donate money to how are they wise enough to choose a leader to run our country? That’s what they get for listening to celebs and MSN.

  3. If some of these countries refuse to take back their citizens TRUMP could just drop them off at the VATICAN since the idiot POPE is of the ideology countries should just accept all these people and pay their way. Perhaps he would change his tune if overnight refuge camps took over the open areas, schools must expand spending to teaching in 50 languages, and defecation was occurring in the streets.

  4. What killsme is that most pundits are not dealing with the elephant in the room because they don’t want to offend the Zionist State of Israel which is engaging in a Genocidal slaughter against the indigenous Palestinian men, women and children who are innocent, killing between 14,000 and 17,000 children, many hundreds if not thousands, who have beenintentionally shot in the head by Israeli snipers! Perhaps the most immoral armed forces in the world! Meanwhile Biden and Harris keep lying to us by telling us they are trying to stop it but Netanyahu just refuses to listen. Try tough love! Follow the freaking law. It is illegal for us to provide weapons to any country that is preventing U. S. Humanitarian aid from reaching its intended target!Blinken and Biden were notified in April via a 17-page white paper from the USAID AGENCY AND ANOTHER REFUGEE/humanitarian agency that Israel was in fact preventing our humanitarian food aid from reaching the Palestinian people, which violates the Foreign Assistance Act abandonment the Leahy Amendment/Law. This represents using starvation as a weapon of war, which is a major war crime! If true, this would also make it illegal for us to be providingIsrael with any military aid!

    So instead we have violated the law causing the unnecessary murder of about 25,ooo Palestinians and the injuring/maiming anaddtional 50,000 innocent Palestinian men, women and children!Genocide Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, with the aid of AnthonyBlinken’s lies, committed there horrible crimes by NOT stopping Israel from doing it! They had a good reason because if the humanitarian law infractions but they decided to allow Israel to murder and maim an additional 75,000 additional Palestinians! that is because of their Islamophobic RACISM against the indigenous Palestinian people! Shame. Them! Just because the U. S. Did that to the Native Americans in this country that didn’t make it right! And then they shake their heads and say they don’t realize why young people and Islamic people,native Americans and OTHER minorities refused to vote for them! Many Jewish people and progressives also REFUSED to vote for Harris! Several million people who voted for Biden REFUSED to vote for Harris! Perhaps it might have had something to do with that Glock in her bedroom that she is just dying to shoot someone with! With all of the millions of people who have died via gun violence over the years, that ignorant and insensitive woman brags about how she wouldn’t hesitate to use it on an intruder in her home! Talk about trying to show the NRA members you’re just as macho as them! I didn’t vote for her and I both voted for and busted my derrière to get Biden and Harris elected in 2020! The difference? The ongoing racist genocidal slaughter of the Palestinian people and the fact that the ignorant jerks who run the Democratic Party are accusing our students who are standing AGAINST genocide of engaging in antisemitism in order to make them hesitate about standing up to grpenicide! Many of my wonderful Jewish friends are also being accused of being self-hating Jews! The real antisemites are the Zionist Nazis who tow the AIPAC line in order to create a Jewish United front in favor if GENOCIDAL! That is the biggest driver of antisemitism going right now! Most people throughout the world are standing AGAINST This U. S./Israeli genocide! As many of my wonderful progressive Jewish friends say Never Again means NeverAgain! Jews are not allowed to do this either! I couldn’t be more proud of my wonderful friends and I thank all of us who are saying NO to genocide!

  5. Big Mike, I agree. Who is the idiot pope to say our border wall is un-Christian? If you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country, as America is finding out. We are being overrun with illegal freeloaders, criminals and killers. They’re raping and killing our women. They need to be deported asap.

  6. Richard, as I recall, Israel was attacked. They have every right to wipe out their enemies. President Truman ordered the dropping of 2 atomic bombs on Japan in WW2. He wasn’t worried about civilian deaths. They either surrender, or we bomb them into submission.

  7. Richard, Hamas STARTED this war !! They murdered 1200 men , women and children !! They put babies in hot ovens !!
    And now you are siding with murderous group !! Hamas has been proven to store weapons in hospitals, schools , apartments using citizens as shields !!
    IDF hss used care in this war!!

    When will you condemn Hamas and other islamists for continuing to attack Israel !!. Please educate yourself before spouting off!!

    When you translate Hamas or means VIOLENCE!!
    ISRAEL has every right to defend itself!!

  8. President Truman had more bombs ready to be dropped on Japan if they didn’t surrender. Perhaps that’s what Israel should use. Bomb the shit out of Hamas. Wipe ’em out. I don’t feel sorry for Hamas at all.

  9. In WW2, they didn’t have missiles to drop atomic bombs. Instead, they used B-29s. These planes had 4 propellers, with 18 cylinders driving each propeller. They were difficult to fly, with oil leaking out of the propellers. But that’s what they used in WW2. I myself, flew in a 1945 vintage Flying Fortress, but that was long after WW2. Flying Fortesses had 9 cylinders driving each propeller.


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