Hollywood Actor GOES OFF On Police Officer After Finding Out He IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW At Traffic Stop



This is another reasons why everyone is sick of celebrities.



  1. No one is above the; instead of of cooperating, he chooses to act aggressively. It is a shame that he portrays an officer of the law on television, but in reality, he breaks the law. is another example of entitlement

  2. Well,well,well, once again we have a narrator who points out who is in the wrong and who is in the right. However, the narrator flips his opinion back to portraying Icetee being harassed. This officer is in one of the most dangerous occupations in the USA. In some states had Mr. T. jumped out of the car the way he did he would have been met with an officer holding his gun aimed at him. The officer did nothing wrong with someone holding expired docs since 2021 even if 1 foot from the DMV who the day before had their system down. Act like that in a southern state and things take a different turn.

  3. W E L L . . . ‘He’ should have tried being a politician! He would have gotten away with EVERYTHING, and been given a bonus as well!!!

  4. I liked Ice T – talented but I will never watch him any more on anything. He was nasty rude to the cop and the cop was in the right to give the tickets that he deserved. He deserved the car to be towed and he deserved to go to jail for getting out of the car and cursing the cop. Boooo Ice T. No entitlement for Ice T. He is not above the law. Barfs to Ice T. Ice Stinks!

  5. As a former police officer..I would have allowed him to park and go across the street to validate his registration. The officer has more important things to do. MY OPINION.

  6. Ice T had no right cursing at the police officer who was doing his job. His vehicle with expired registration and his drivers license expired then having the nerve to think it was no big deal, why because he’s a celebrity? BULLSHIT! If average people have to make sure their vehicles and license are renewed he isn’t anything special. Good thing the officer had Ice T on video to show what a jackass he was and is. Mr Big Shot…. Ahhh No! Jackass.. absolutely!

  7. He should have gotten the tickets, but not the towing. Where did this English as a second language cop come from? He lied to his Sarge, that Iced Tea came at him, and got “this” close. Iced Tea was respectful until told the car would be told, and never came within an arm’s length. Of course if the DMV was competent the day before, none of this would have happened.

    In most big cities nearly half the vehicles are unlicensed and uninsured, yet the cops have better things to do. Not in this NJ town.

  8. Really, you normally make sense. You are acting like an ass today. The cop is on a powertrip?? Ice-T is not an entitled actor who had 4 years to get this done, yet did nothing but vehicle warranty commercials??

    Come on.


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