It’s Official. He’s a Man.



Every female boxer should join in a lawsuit against the Olympics and the IOC for this.

And that poor woman who quit 45 seconds into the fight because she had never been punched so hard before…. What a sick world.


  1. How can any transgender man-woman actually think they are the winner in a very uneven match in ANY sport. Even if they won or came in first, they are still a loser in most sane people’s minds. A man can cut off all of his manhood and take hormones but he’s still a man, period. He’s just now a self-mutilated man. A man’s muscle mass and strength is totally different than a woman’s. It’s an unfair playing field.

  2. If you cannot compete as a man against other men, stay out of sports. Don’t lie, cheat or steal the hard work done by women. Women work hard in order to compete in US sports. You take away their opportunity to compete and win in their own league. Shame on you. Enough opportunities have been taken away from biological women. Just another block created by men who cannot deal or compete in their own male gendered sports. Enough is enough!

  3. A man in his deranged mind can think he is a woman but it still doesn’t make it true. It’s disgusting to see the people who are in charge of these sports get their jollies to see a man beat on a woman knowing that this freak can seriously disable or kill a woman. This is sick and twisted mentality and they should be punished. What the hell!!!!

  4. He’s a man? I thought they were gonna say Barry’s bitch is a man or Whoopi is a man. All kidding aside, a woman shouldn’t be in a boxing ring with a man. It’s totally unfair. Leslie, you are correct in what you said. If this guy wants to fight, he should fight another man.

  5. So sick of this FUCKING STUPIDITY this all started with that asshole obama and blew up under Mr MAGOO’S presidency what MORON let this law become reality SAD…I have no problem with a regular gay man or woman but this trickery shit has to stop and god willing it will under our new and great PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!! WELCOME BACK NOW KICK ASS!!!!!

    • God is frowning upon this sh*t. They’re screwing with God’s creations and he won’t be looking on them too kindly on judgement day. For them, the elevator will only go down.

  6. IMO, they pull this nonsense, because they are so poor at the sport, the only thing they can do to get a medal is to claim they are female. They can beat men!

  7. Let’s look at reality for a moment. Today’s wokeness and inclusivity is the brainchild of WOMEN, not men. It’s the women who insisted that transgenders (as well as homosexuals) be fully accepted into society as complete equals. The men (and I use the term loosely) who go along with this are simply cucks who are afraid of losing their sexual privileges with their women. Real men never agreed with the current state of twisted immorality that permeates every aspect of the modern world. We were outraged – ironically, far more than women – at the thought of biological males being allowed in women’s restrooms and locker rooms. And every time we spoke out, we were criticized for being homophobic relics from the past. Well, ladies, you got your wish. Your brave new world of inclusivity has spawned a monster that you now find impossible to control. You scream about the injustice of how this is impacting women’s sports, yet continue to push your woke agenda despite the damning evidence of its failures. As one of those male “relics” and recipients of your wrath, I find it hard to feel much compassion at this point. The old view of males being the stronger sex was long ago replaced with the modern fantasy of women being equal in EVERY regard, so deal with it. The very men who could help right the ship are the same ones you still hold in contempt, and frankly, we’re tired of fighting a losing battle. Unfortunately for you, strong males are the ones throughout history who were your protectors and prevented this kind of thing from happening in the first place. Don’t look for the current crop of woke child/men to be of any assistance to you – you’ve successfully “castrated” them in your attempt to redefine masculinity and fulfill your own feminist agenda. Now your reaping the rewards… enjoy!

    • I don’t agree with your one-sided blame game. Men have been cross-dressing as women as female impersonators eons ago. Gay women have dressed masculine and gay men have dressed feminine equally for decades without physically changing their body parts. This full transgendering is fairly new. It is totally sick. It appears that there are way more men2women that the other way around because they advertise it more often. But don’t stereo women being the bad guys/gals. Whatever the reasons behind it, it’s not normal or natural. Nobody knows yet what the long term affects will be. Bottom line there are only 2 genders, period.

      • Sorry, I mistyped a few times: it’s “than the other way around” and not “that the other way around”; it’s “stereotype” and not “stereo”. An afterthought: It’s none of our faults. It lays strictly at the feet of the transgenders themselves unless they were drug-induced (mind control). I also meant to add to: advertise it more often “in sports”. I hope that’s all.

        That’s what I get when trying to watch TV and type at the same time. Sorry if there’s any more typos.

      • You seem to have totally missed my point. I never said that cross-dressing was anything new. Of course it’s been going on for “eons”, just as you said. But it was never accepted as normal behavior until this woke koolaid was passed around and we were suddenly told to be more worried about hurting people’s feelings than keeping society safe. And that concern with feelings is absolutely a feminine concept, forced on all of us by modern woke women who “know” so much more about maintaining a civilized society than all the bumbling men throughout history. I should also point out that I am not blaming all woman for this – there are many who agree that this is, as you stated, not normal or natural (a point with which I also totally agree). Unfortunately, such rational thought does not appear to be shared among the majority of modern women, particularly the younger generation. In fact, your statement that “there are only two genders, period” (which I also agree with 100%) is not at all accepted by the vast majority of woke females today. My point is that the destructive woke philosophy that we’re all currently saddled with has its roots in modern feminist thought, and women need to collectively take ownership of this error in judgement before it can be corrected, even if they don’t personally share those views themselves. Passing this off as either “we’re all to blame” or “none of us are to blame” is totally disingenuous and appears to indicate an unwillingness by women to self-reflect. As to your point that the fault lies at the feet of the transgenders themselves, I absolutely disagree. The issue affecting us all is not that these people are transgender, but rather that their lifestyle is accepted as moral and healthy by others. Such acceptance could not have been achieved by these people themselves, since they’re a fringe minority that was never accepted prior to recent times. It had to have come from an outside group of sympathetic leftist “allies”. You may want to look at the statistics showing which gender is more supportive of leftist thought. Women are the primary supporters of LGBTQXYZ+ rights, as well as unlimited abortion rights and gender reassignment surgery for minors – all things which are, as you say, not normal or natural. Women march for this and vote for this. This is their agenda. And unfortunately, it won’t stop until women decide they’ve had enough. It’s ironic that you and I are even having this discussion since it appears that we agree on far more than we disagree on. But I do stand by my original post 100%. I don’t view it as a “one-sided blame game”, but rather as an attempt to place responsibility squarely where it belongs.

    • All of the “athletes” that cheated need to be stripped of their medals. It’s never been fair from day1 and not just in the Olympics. I think it should be law that only biological men can compete with biological men and biological women can compete with biological women in all professional sports. It sucks that there needs to be a law but that’s because of this transgendering bullsh*t. Why can’t the trannies just start their own sports leagues against each other? Problem solved.

  8. Remove every boxing record he has ever had, and disqualify him from any future matches with/as either a man or a woman. HE IS SIMPLY A BIG FRAUD AND A CHEAT!

  9. It amazes me that so many people are extremely upset over the negative impact of transgender athletes in women’s sports, yet I seldom, if ever, see complaints about these same transgenders using women’s restrooms. So many are willing to call them frauds (and rightfully so!) when there is a sports record on the line, but think nothing of the potential threat to women’s personal safety when these much stronger biological males choose to enter the ladies room in any public place. The problem here is that, once you’ve extended full rights to transgenders, you can’t cherry pick which rights you’ll actually allow them to have. How can you give them full access to women’s facilities simply for claiming to be a woman, yet not allow them to participate in women’s sports using that same claim? It’s apparent that our mistake was refusing to acknowledge their abnormality and fully accepting them into society to begin with. Once that acceptance and its accompanying laws were in place, it became impossible to control, and virtually irreversible. From a legal standpoint, I seriously doubt that anything can be done at this point to stop this travesty. Another prime example of how wokeness is destroying the world. The only thing “progressive” about this movement is the progressive rate of decline it brings to civilization.

  10. I don’t have a problem with crossdressing per se, but I do have a problem with men competing with women in sports. It’s totally unfair.

    • I know that, to many people, sports is the most important thing on earth, and has strong ties to the human ego. But how can you claim that men competing with women in sports is unfair while totally ignoring not only the unfairness, but outright danger, of these same males using women’s restrooms? That affects a hell of a lot more women than just female athletes. If some male asshole is able to inflict serious injury to a female during an Olympic event, do you mean to tell me that the same kind of asshole would never do such a thing in the privacy of a restroom? Sounds pretty delusional to me. Unfortunately, you and the rest of society seem to have “no problem” with cross-dressers, yet when society did have a problem with them, we never had these kinds of bullshit occurrences. Sometimes social norms exist for a reason, and it’s not until they’re stripped away that we find out how much good they really did. Once the floodgates are open, we don’t get to pick which “rights” we’ll extend or withhold – something we should have considered before joining the woke bandwagon to begin with.


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