Joe Biden JUST did the STUPIDEST THING! Trump is FURIOUS!!



Stop making excuses for EVIL people . They are willing to end the world because they are losing their power

This was not incompetence. This was deliberate betrayal of we the people.


    • Finally someone who speaks the truth. BUT, just to warn you that after a while like me you’ll say this and immediately get kicked off the internet

  1. I cannot think of anything better for the media than to rid this country of MSNBC and Brainless reporters like Maddow. What an ignorant loud mouth. I do not think there is one conservative alive that believes one word that leaves her mouth. And as far as Biden, he is not in control, nor ever has been. Obama and the people backing him, (George Soros, Pelosi, Schiff, Schummer and other Spastic Democrats) that want to install the THE NEW ORDER.

  2. Hey, the entire top of the USA is now CATHOLIC. Since then, We have had several wars. Korea (lost), Viet Nam (lost), Somalia (lost). Afghanistan (lost). Now Ukraine, LOST BY F J BIDET DEFAULT. IN ADDITION NOW THE USA. LOST BY F J BIDET TREASON. Now we have 500 Million ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS invited in by the CATHOLIC TRAITOR.

    • This whole post should be removed. Biden might claim to be a Catholic but he’s nothing but a modernist. Modernism is not the historic Catholic religion.

      • Biden is not a Catholic, he is a communist, traitor and should be in front of a firing squad. He is a hypocrite, a liar, a rapist and a pedophile and the democrat party is the party of violence, rapes, murders, riots, arsonists and invasions. There is nothing pleasant about the democrat party and any one who supports it, has blood on their hands just like they do…..Pelosi, Cheney, Capitol Police, FBI, CIA, IRS, SECRET SERVICE, AND THE DIRTY DC SWAMP! Biden and Obama will escalate the war in Uraine to make it more difficult for Trump to stop this killing! They will do anything to make his presidency a failure. They are evil, traitors and sick people!

  3. This is just another one of many, many stupid things dopey ol’ Joe did. He’s sabotaging Trump’s upcoming presidency. If Trump wants to cut the money and weapons off, let him.

    • Actually Joe made a Faustian deal with the devil. (More commonly known as George Soros) and if you do that you had better deliver. Otherwise, you just might experience an extremely painful death. Joe wanted to go down in history as president. He will, but with several asterisks pertaining to the disasters for which he was responsible. We will find our way back but he will share the spotlight formerly reserved for Benedict Arnold.

    • Agree! Cut all money going to Ukraine, Mexico, and all of South America! we can reinstate after this invasion is under control and our wall is built and electrified!

    • Yes and he is doing this because he is forced by Obama! He is the evil Satan telling this senile old fool what to do! The snake needs to get his head cut off so that the tail stops the venom from destroying this country!

  4. Right! Biden is not part of this. The Demosocialistcrats will do anything to put a burr under Trump’s saddle, even expand the war in the Ukraine. For once I’d be happy to see the Military take the government and freeze all admistrative actions until the inauguration, and reverse the actions made since the election. This would be unprecedented, but the current administration’s actions require it. Unconstitutional? Yes. But backed by the Declaration of Independence. This administration is fully outlaw, and outlaws must be dealt with. In this particular instance, dealt with, forcefully and immediately. Such resolve is required to insure we dodge this world War bullet AND send a clear message to the world that the USA is no longer a pawn of the elite or the global/socialist petite aristocracy. Now, do it now.

    • If Trump wanted to destroy America he would have done it first time he was in office !!
      How is the communist Kool aid the Democrats are giving you !! And the worst part is that you are so uneducated you swallow it !!

    • And God SAVED Trump 2 times from being assassinated so he could save America from the satanic Democrat party.
      You can pray to your god,Satan, but you will still lose!
      The TRUE God does NOT condone the SATANIC Democrat god who is for abortion, infanticide, LGBTQ, transgender, drag queens in school libraries, porn in school libraries.

  5. This administration and Government Agencies could care less if we get bombed when they start another War they hate the American people.

  6. Yes Jesus let the babbling baboon orange skinned orangutan have the honor of being the next Hitler in the world.God love the felon DJT


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