Kamala Gasps When Host Asks Her the Question She Doesn’t Want to Answer



KAMALA HARRIS is the DUMBEST politician in world history

I have never seen a Presidential candidate choke so much in an interview for the 58 years I have been alive. She has no idea what she is doing. She also cannot keep a story straight to save her life.


  1. This election terrifies many of us Kamala Harris is easily the worst person to ever run for national office than I have seen in my 88 years,76 of which I have been policially aware and “hip.” If the Democrats manage
    to steal this election, as they did the previous national, we will have a crash in this country that will make the 1929 debacle look like “The Teddy Bears Picnic.”

  2. After the announcement by the BIDEN/HARRIS Justice Department telling my State Virginia that they cannot remove seld designated NON CITIZENS I for the very first time I. My lifetime I went out and EARLY VOTED before my right as a LEGAL citizen to vote is denied to me. Another vote in the early bank for President Donald J Trump.

  3. They need to question Trump like this…. He goes around criticizing and name calling and talks shit about Kamala. Let’s question Trump and see if he doesn’t answer -oh wait he already does that!! Dump trump.

    • Becky, what a crock of shit!! Kamala CAN’T ANSWER QUESTIONS!!She know st attacks Trump. She is a liar and a communist!! Only uneducated ignorant people would vote for her !!

    • Betty Boop you are just like Harris and the rest of democrats,when things look bad and go wrong for you , you attack Trump. Trump has made many appearences with comentators and answered any and all their questions , he has even taken questions from citizens on the street. Has Hirris gone out among the citizens ( ones that were not payed to talk to her) and answered their questions?

    • Kamala was talking shit about Trump wherever she was rallying at and accusing him of all her mistakes that she made for almost 4 years. She is a liar and a horrible and deceiving person. We certainly don’t need her for our leadership. She is dangerous for America and for us. Her mind is in the sewage.

  4. Kamala says Trump is not stable but look at her she laughs her head off like shes is some kind of nut or high on something. She is a phony who will say whatever it takes to win the election. These things she says she will do then why wait until day one she is the VP now that shows what balogny she is giving the American public and I cannot believe close to 50% of the population are voting for 4 more years of continuing inflation, illegals and criminals and fentanol poring in crime on the up etc. I cannot believe the gullible people that think this woman will be good for us.

  5. They remind me of two children fighting on the playground. In all my years I have never seen anything like this. For the first time in my life, I won’t be voting cause there is no one now worth voting for. I’m not sure where this country is headed but I don’t see good things. The people coming to this country have more rights we do and live better we do.
    To think that our money is going to other countries when we need it here is just wrong. When do we the people come before them? IF should come first and then maybe them.

    • And another brainwashed lib cult member spews his bullshit!!
      Hey Mc how many of the 10 million ILLEGALS have you taken in?
      You like inflation at a 40 year HIGH?
      You like groceries at 20 percent HIGHER?
      You like illegals raping and murdering Americans?
      You like that hardcore criminals and terrorists have come across border?
      You like rampant crime??
      You like that commieLA can’t answer questions??
      You want a MARXIST communist as president and an avowed communist with strong ties to CCP as VEEP ??

      The democrat cult is utterly ignorant and Stupid! You vote communist don’t scream and cry on your way to concentration camp !! Communists have murdered MORE people than Hitler ever dreamed of!!
      You are what your communist Democrat masters call ” a useful idiot”

    • Mc is another wussy uneducated lib cult member. He spouts his bs then runs and hides in Mommy’s basement! Another soyboy !!

    • Dream on, you day dreamer for Kamala’s between legs. You knowingly that she hadn’t done a thing for America but letting the migrant invade our country and attacking everyone of the American citizens and what’s more? Kamala is helping them with the medical, money $20,000 per family, $5,000 per individual for their daily spending money, free room and boards, free schoolings, while the Citizens of America is suffering so much trying to make ends meet. what? Is she out of her freaking mind? I know why she is so kind to the migrants is because she wants them to vote for her illegally. She is a power hunger with her empty brain who have nothing to offer to the American people but for her own self only to hold the power.

  6. This is all the work of Donald Trump insulting Kamala Harris through his Hosts. He has fed money to all his workers. To humiliate a President like this is an insult to the whole of America.

    • We are only telling truth ! Kamala isn’t smart enough to run America!!
      She can’t answer any questions! She is a failure as border czar! Over 10 MILLION ILLEGALS ACROSS THE BORDER under her watch!
      She has NO policies except for those she stole from Trump!!
      She didn’t even know where Ukraine is..
      She has been labeled the WORST Veep in American history by CNN, NYT to name a few !!
      She is a DEI HIRE ! She was appointed by communist Democrat elites to run for president!! No one voted for her !!.
      And uneducated ignorant lib cult just bowed to their masters and fell in line as they were told!!


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