Laura Trump and RNC just CAUGHT and STOPPED 164,568 DUPLICATE BALLOTS in Key Swing State!



If harris wins then they cheated

Let me guess, they were all ‘accidentally’ democrat duplicates.


  1. Just because the democrats are cheating doesn’t mean they are cheating… right? It is just Trump catching them cheating, but the fact checkers just claim it’s not cheating when they get caught… right!!!

    • Given that last time, all the election fraud *and voter fraud* was perpetrated by Republicans, I would not be at all surprised if Mrs. Trump & cohort planted these “duplicates” just to cause upset.

      • Sandi, you really that stupid ?? If Republicans used voter fraud in 2020 Trump would have been elected !!
        ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary !! Hillary was looking at Sandi

      • So when the polls closed on Tuesday election night 2020 Trump was ahead with a landslide 81 million votes. All the news stations said so. Three days later Joetato is in the WH beating Trump by 50,000 votes. After all the illegal ballots and the other fraud that is the only way the Demwits can win.

    • A cheat a liar a hooker and a drunk go into a bar and the bartender says good evening Mrs Harris !
      Dems are like cockroaches once they invade your house its very hard to get them out they lie they cheat they lie to cover cheating they GASLIGHT THEY BLAME EVERYTHING THEY DO ON THE OPPONENT WE ARE DEALING WITH PURE EVIL WITH KAMALA AND CO THEY RE ROACHES

  2. It’s ashame that the democrats are trying to cheat considering Americans are watching. Please stop being stupid do the right thing

  3. Typical communist Democrats!! They can’t win honestly so they use voter fraud and corruption !! They got away with it in 2020 but don’t think they will be able to this time!! People are aware of the satanic Democrats !!

  4. what all of you forget is THIS – while in college I worked with some of these groups – they are as fanatic as the ter ror ists! They fell they DESERVE to win NO MATTER WHAT – and that ANYTHIGN they do is FINE as long as the win – the MUST win and losses or investigations into their fraud is NOT ALLOWED – ergo thats why TRUMP was invesigated for 6 years and Biden NONE WERE ALLOWED.

  5. What the F that’s on her rallies she keeps saying we’re gonna win. We’re gonna win because she’s cheating. Her whole government treasonous cheating pieces of shit. She thinks she’s laughing all the way to the bank. The people of color are only voting for her because she’s a person of color she’s a mixed race, so is an Obama they make me sick Obamas mother was white and so was his grandmother talk about Trump only is gonna be taxing the rich no he’s not Warren for a world of her hurt if she gets in I don’t wanna know how much money you got in the bank. She’s for the Green new deal cars they’re gonna be eavesdropping on your phones you name it ready do you see what happens she’s going to cheat on that wall that’s that’s already up by the border she’s she’s going to cheer the rest of it down we see what we’re gonna be waking up to in the morning all illegals, criminals galore God help our children and our children’s children they be breaking into your houses squatting we’re gonna be paying for these illegals the rest of our lives, food stamps they’re gonna kill us, Social Security, etc. God help us all

  6. These people who are doing the cheating are getting paid to do it. I don’t believe we had a problem until Obama was president. Guess what? The Republicans woke up.

  7. Leaked pass words in CO, setting fire to ballots in OR and WA, inhibiting voting traffic in PA, glitches in TN, and now we have duplicates in MI – WTH!

    Democrats have been whining that Trump is “gearing up” to dispute the
    election results – seriously?

    Fight, fight, fight – wake up America, we have work to do.

  8. The cheatin RAT BASSADS. Never trust a Demolition-crat! Look at how they just sat on their asses and let things go for 4 solid years!


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