Migrants Are Eating Pets In A Small Ohio Town…



Donald Trump should bring this up at the debate tomorrow night. THIS NEEDS TO BE HEARD BY EVERY SINGLE VOTER. Republican or Democrat, we all love animals.

This is a sucker punch to the chin for those of us who came here legally and put the time, effort, and money to become US Citizens and assimilate to the lifestyle. This must be stopped and they must be deported.


  1. after the war in Europe
    People did eat dogs to survive
    when you stomach is rumbling from hungry YOU WILL EAT ANYTHING
    people in China ate rats after the war, and during prisoners ate rats, bugs etc just to survive
    soooo either all this is fake news or a cover up

  2. Look what African people are eating elephants. Different cultures eat different animals. But this is America, and we don’t do these things we are civilized people. I had a neighbor from Italy, and he killed a goat in his driveway and people (kids) were horrified. I don’t know if Springfield has gun laws but if your allowed to own one, use it.

  3. The residents of Springfield, OH are saying this, so it must be true. You can’t simply brush it off and deny it. Dave, you are correct. Koreans and Philippinos eat dog meat. They probably do it in Haiti too. So when the illegal bastards come here, they do the same things they did back home. Ginny, I think Ohio is lax on guns. So if you live there, get one.

  4. So according to what you are all saying, Migrants get everything for free, like housing, education, health care and food. So then why would they eat pets?

  5. Sandy, it’s what they do. They kill and then they barbecue animals. Just like hunters kill deer and other animals. Yes, the migrants get free everything, while us citizens don’t. I say, the illegals need to be deported.

  6. So, if the migrates are too stupid to go to a Salvation Army or Church organization for help or aid, tough luck. We cannot correct the ills of the world, we have problems enough. The different is, we resolve them through negotiations, not bloodshed. Our civil war taught that negotiations is all ways better than war.

  7. PC, I agree with you. We cannot correct the ills of the world, nor can we have open borders and allow all the third world migrants to pour in here. If they want to come here, they can come to a port of entry and apply for citizenship. Then they will be accepted or rejected. That’s how immigrants did it. All illegals that are in here, need to be deported. Or else America will become a third world cesspool. We’ll become a northern version of Haiti or El Salvador.

  8. Different cultures eat different animals! Ukraine eats squirrel, China eats: rats, dogs and pangolin. Etc. I do not know Haitians to eat neither dog nor cat! Just because Americans consider dogs and cats like human children-pets- does not mean other cultures see them that way! That does not mean that I condone Haitians allegedly eating pets! Ignorance and racism are the pillars of this outcry! In the United States, as Canada is part of North America, every American is an immigrant. We claim this part as ours and rightfully expect that every immigrant who comes after us follows the rules and the laws that we have put in place! Are we now at a place when there was:” No Irish need apply! No Jews welcome!? Or for the violent ones who advocate the use of gun, be like Custer and state:” “ Any hood Indian is a dead Indian”?

    Perhaps those Americans wish to forget their introduction to the turkey for Thanksgiving? Or wish to forget -the racist one- that some ancestors came to the US willingly, on the Mayflower; and some were forcefully brought here in Steerage. Perhaps, they do not know that there were Irish slaves. Perhaps, they should learn history. Perhaps, they don’t realize that most things are being translated in into 60 different other languages now in the United States.
    Lastly, I do not agree with illegal immigration. I do not agree with condemning a group of people because of their race, the color of their skin or their culture!

    • What don’t you understand what illegal entry into a country means. Lol! And making excuses for people eating people’s pets, stealing them. Again illegal. You must never have had a dog or cat that you loved. But of course you will lie and reply that you have. Lol! And trolling on a conservative website before an election tells me all I need to know about you. Media darling Kamala has no chance of winning in November. Too many people can’t stand her.

  9. And for Trump, Vance and their ilks, fanning the flames of lies, I wish them to be sued. I wish them to be made to prove that Haitians are eating those animals. Maybe they don’t know about the “Trail of Tears”, about “ The Dreyfus’s Affair”, or” Nero” !

    As the woman who killed a cat and ate it in someone’s yard is not Haitian nor of Haitian descent. Please do not attribute to Haitian heritage.
    She is obviously mentally ill!

  10. What the hell is wrong with all of you morons who believe that BS rumor started by a couple of the biggest morons who started the rumor. OMG what is wrong with you gullible people, you probably believe like Chicken Little “the sky is falling”.

  11. Jappie, it’s not a rumor. If all the residents are saying it, then it must be true. People have even taken photos of skinned cats hanging from a tree. This is how the bastards live in Haiti and other third world countries. I am not a moron.

  12. President trump,
    in second debate Please more concerned on what biden& his vis president administration’s did to USA& out side of this country.
    I am as a citizen of usa, not proud of their performance .
    I am a shim of it. Hope they leave asap peacefully .🙏

  13. Mary, I don’t think there will be a second debate, although I wish there would be. Have it on FOX News, but that’s just wishful thinking.

  14. The Haitians in Springfield Ohio (according to the mayor) are here legally. There is no evidence the story of Haitian immigrants are eating pets (according to the mayor and the police department). The Haitians in Springfield Ohio work, pay into social security, rent housing from corporate landlords who take advantage by charging exorbitant rents which trickles down to all rents in that city becoming substantially higher thus affecting the cost of living for all. But the landlords are thriving. (According to the mayor). These lies, fueling threats to persons and property, caused government buildings and schools to shut down for two days now.Source: Interview today.

  15. They have all the rights in the world to take my beloved family pet and kill and eat it. Of course I have the same right to grab my rifle and protect my beloved pet by killing as many as I can involved in the incident. No need to deport. The situation will self correct with time.


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