Sen. Kennedy: This was the biggest lie they’ve ever told



We now have a supreme court judge that does not know how to tell the difference between a man or woman. Those were her words. GOD please help us get back on your path.

Kennedy always tells it like it is. Love that about him.


  1. IMO, we have a man who has sold our country out to benefit himself, and family, and there is a reason it’s called a “crime family!” I wonder just how many more in our gov’t are in on the selling out of our country. It also seems we have a DOJ who doesn’t care!

  2. You would think they would use a little variation in their wording, to make it just a little bit more swallowable a lie…….

    Guess they want to make sure their low-wits get the connection.

  3. Guess Kamala learned all her lying from O’Biden………..

    But she’s a novice yet compared to him. They both lie like Lucifer. It all erodes from Obama. And Lucifer.

  4. Yes, and I say get rid of the lying cheating democrats.How could anyone wheel and deal and sell our prime property to China.Biden received over 3 million dollars when he first came into the presidential office. Then his lying cheating son Hunter, brothers Aunt’s Unkle’s all received money from Ukraine. You know the crooked billions we gave to Ukraine so they can remove Russia fr using Ukraine’s territory.

  5. I agree that minors who are under 18 years of age should not be allowed to get sex changes nor prisoners or people coming over from the border should be allowed to get taxpayer funded sex changes. Nor transgender males be allowed to participate in women’s sports or be allowed in the locker rooms either.

  6. I really like the way Congressman Kennedy stays on people he is interrogating to answer his questions directly…like yes or no, but more honestly than trying to cover up their errors and lies. He does it to fellow Senators and Congressmen as well, which to me is a man of his word when he took the oath of office to Represent what the people really want from our Government employees “HONESTY”…….Extremely rare in the U.S.A.’s government these days.
    These officials , as do other levels of “THE PEOPLES GOVERNORING BODIES” all swear and OATH on a Bible to do their VERY BEST to SERVE the people (Citizens of our country)……. okay, how do you think they’re doing?

  7. Dopey ol’ Joe, Obummer, and John Kerry sold America out. So did Slick Willie with his NAFTA. It cost millions of American workers their jobs. Obummer is a smooth, polished professional liar. He must have majored in Lying when he was in College. Dopey ol’ Joe, cackling Kammy and John Kerry are just damn liars.


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