‘Sickening’: Kamala Harris’ interview with Oprah Winfrey slammed



Oprah needs to apologize to the people of Hawaii! Give back the land you stole from the indigenous residents

As a 50 year old American, I never could understand Winfrey. She is a hypocrite and greedy.


    • She is the smartest and most accomplished person to have ever run for President. She will not be ” bought ” by the Russians or Putin. She wants freedom for everyone in this country….but of course, only citizens get the right to vote.

      • Linda, Kamala Is a MARXIST communist!! She was taught by her dad who is communist!!
        Tampon tim is an avowed communist with strong ties to CCP!!
        You don’t want HER version of freedom!!
        Illegals get to vote in some blue states !! Get your FACTS before spewing your lib garbage

      • You must want MARXISM and are so indoctrinated. She is a one issue candidate, and that’s KILLING BABIES. She’d have no clue if we were in a war and WW3 is knocking on our door. And our military depleted by this administration by funding UKRAINE and we don’t have the money for our own defenses. Please do some reading of reputable articles.

  1. never thought much of Oprah. Think much less of her now. Not much brain power there. How the hell did she make all that money and be so dumb?

    • It’s called ” Being a professional CON”. Like polititions, they swear their oath of office on a Bible but don’t abide by the Bibles 10 commandments and other guidelines within. Even in our court systems, those on trial are given a chance to: “Tell the truth” so help them God…..now swing forward from there and ask all of those rich congresssmen about the source of all of thie riches. Lol!

    • She was vice President and she outlined a plan to help those who are first time home buyers, lending them $25,000 and keeping the Affordable Care Act with preexisting conditions accepted. The new plan of Trump’s will not allow preexisting conditions. It is not as good as the ACA. Health care and having their own homes are very important in America.

      • Linda, you really fell for that bullshit ?? She has done NOTHING!!
        She was in charge of border and she has allowed over 10 MILLION ILLEGALS to cross the border!!
        She is an ignorant pawn !!
        Question: how many of these illegals Kamala has allowed to come in have you taken in??

  2. I don’t know what people see in Oprah. She has no credibility whatsoever. She’s as dumb as a bag of rocks. Has she ever burped out anything intelligent?

      • Linda, no Clinton crime ?
        I can name a couple easily !!
        Destroying subpoened evidence !
        Pay for play with foreign leaders !!
        Clinton foundation ! Took in millions to help Haiti after hurricane and spent it on daughter’s wedding !!

  3. Geeezzzz.. I hand it to the democrats, They have really made progress towards as Obama would say ‘fundamentally change America.’ And I don’t like it one little bit.

    • Kathy, I’m right there with you!!
      America has fought against communism since WW2 and now the uneducated ignorant democrat cult wants to have a MARXIST communist for president and tim Walz who is an avowed communist with strong ties to CCP!!
      The democrat cult is utterly stupid , uneducated and ignorant !! You could put a piece of dog feces on ballot with a ” d” behind it and the cult would vote for it !

      • Kamala is NOT a marxist. You are just quoting Trump’s words. She is a real American who wants freedom for all, women and men. She will have the respect of the world and rule with a calm hand.

        • She is a MARXIST communist! She was taught by her dad !!
          You are proving what Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”

  4. Kathy, Obummer burped that he wanted to “transform” America, but he didn’t say into what. Well, now we know. Obummer wants to transform America into a third world cesspool. America will become a northern version of El Salvador or Venezuela. How to do it? Allow millions of third world freeloaders to pour in here. They will bankrupt our cities, our social services, and our welfare systems. Crime will skyrocket and us peons won’t be safe in our own cities anymore.

    • She made you look bad because YOU actually believed her loopy yaking. She makes as much sense as putting pennies in a parking meter and expecting to park free for the whole day.

  5. Army Vet Jan: Your 100% correct. I’m a Viet-Nam Vet and before Viet-Nam was being helped by France and then the USA to become a free nation, it was a communist country and after the U.S. left there in the 70’s it went back to being Communist again.Subsequent wars pretty much followed the same stories, costing thew U.S. zillion$ and thousands of good soldiersA ALL at TAX PAYERS EXPENSE, while our nations so called leaders were living the life of Riley.Even today, Vets are still paying the price for our freedom (or what’s left of it).

  6. Yes, William, I know. The French got kicked out of Vietnam in ’54. The military industrial complex wanted Ike to send US troops in, but he refused. Then LBJ sent US troops in in ’65. It resulted in a 10 year war with nearly 60,000 US troops killed. Then Vietnam went Communist again. LBJ’s war was all for naught. We should have stayed out of that jungle hell hole. Now Vietnam wants us. Why? Because they’re terrified of China.

  7. Are people so naive & ignorant that they would vote for Kamala Harris
    an incompetent, a semi communist & basically anti American just because of her gender (female) & her race (negro). She lived in Canada
    for the majority of her life – until age 22 missing out on the grounding of American ethics & patriotism. Her parents were Marxists & ultra left wing radicals producing what will be the most dangerous & pathetic President. How many more millions of illegals will stream across our borders?


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