The Exact Moment ‘The View’s’ Joy Behar Realises Kamala Is Doomed



“Nothing comes to mind”, is the truest statement of her campaign.

I totally believe her when she says “ nothing comes to mind “ .


  1. The first that comes to mind is this – as ‘Border Czar’ she could and should have dealt with the millions of illegal immigrants who freely came across the border, and NOT agreed to the huge financial support given them while our own disadvantaged citizens AND VETERANS were/are not being supported. Our OWN have to ‘Qualify’ for help, but these non-citizens reap major monetary assistance WITH NO QUALIFYING criteria.

  2. Obummer was the second worst president in our history. He only loses to the dementia patient who currently occupies the White House. Obummer is a racist and did everything he could to divide our country. Obiden continued his work. Kacklea would kill our country. Wookie is NOT a good person. She’s a Godless witch. Along with the other ‘women’ on that show. It’s nice that Russell is calling these folks “good people”, but they’re not. They are Satan’s children.

  3. biden run by obama
    kamala going to be run by obama
    and nothing comes to mind
    sleep you way up

  4. She has put our country in millions of dollars of debt. Her party is consumed with giving America away. These illegals are being paid, fed, housed rather nicely, given free medical care and education and it pisses me off that the dems have given our people NOTHING but they are spending our tax dollars to take care of them. They are spreading lies and causing chaos. They “aren’t sure they will accept the outcome of the election if Kamala loses”. They sure as hell screamed about Trump not accepting the outcome in 2020. They paid these illegals to come over here and vote for Kamala. They are NOT Americans and have no vote. If you don’t vote Trump, America will collapse. She is a damn nut.

  5. If they try and steal it this time, they won’t be successful. But lets say Kamala was installed as President.
    1. America’s downhill spiral continues and increases to point of no return.
    2. A Global War will break out. Inside 12 months of her playing commander and chief, She will have tens of thousands of your American Son’s and Daughters fighting in Ukraine against Russia. The body bag business will be the only business making money. Dollar collapses. The End.

  6. I think that she has lied so much in her life that she believes her own lies and THAT’S SCARY 😱 Not too very long ago Democrats wanted to drop her in the Ocean with a weight tied around her neck. Now that booted Biden out, she’s suddenly the best thing since sliced bread. WTH happened in such short time?
    A leopard doesn’t change its spots.


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