Whoopi Goldberg’s Trump Past Gets Exposed & She Is Furious



To refer to the women on the view as ladies is an insult to any woman who is actually a lady.

Vote the guy that gave up wealth for country and not the one that gave up country for wealth . Which is most of them


  1. Never have watched your show until today. The guests were awesome and they made you look better than you are. Just kidding your show is always great. The young ladies should be a regular part of the show. They really pointed out some great issues.

  2. HORAY FOR the REAL! TRUTH WOOPIE as ONLY She and KAMALA have a REAL handle on the TRUTH and REALITY !
    BUT NOT TRUMPy~~!!!
    “Have WE or Anyone? ACTUALY seen the NEWS??? saying if Trump gets back into office he will ACTUALLY purge the government. THAT’S exactly what HE WANTS! ❤” ??? WOW YES!!
    BUT ONLY of the REPUBLICANistic IDIOTS who think? and BELIEVE that the TRUMP is NOT just the GOD of THEIR AMERICA!? that will SAVE ALL of the RIGHT-Winged AMERICANS from DEMOCRACY and will ONLY “POOP” OUT A LOT OF HIS? MONEY? for ALL of THE FAR FAR Right but NEVER WRONG!? AMERICANS Who REALLY Believe EVERTHING that HE says!!
    For The REAL GOD Saving AMERICA for ALL AMERICANS and the rest of the REAL WORLD!!!!!!
    So let us ALL VOTE FOR KAMALA!! AND a New Vice-Pres !! OKAY !!
    AND SAVE THE REAL REAL AMERICA from any more of the TRUMPshit!!!

    • Your message implies (no, screams) that you have no idea what Kamala really wants to do to American democracy. The way she advanced to candidate for president proves she is anti-democracy. How many votes for Joe did she nullify? “K” has no commitment to the democratic republic (USA) rules and laws at any level. She just wants power and influence at any cost to our democracy. A vote for Kamala is a vote for a socialist style of government in America. Socialism fails to meet it’s stated goals every single time. There are no exceptions. Her cozying up to individual people and groups that are haters and actual NAZI propaganda / goal oriented murderers (radical Islamists) is both anti-American and anti-democracy. “Palistinian” tenets and actions prove they are NAZIs. Their goal is to torture, violate and murder those they hate (The Jewish people). The same people are proclaiming “Death to America”. Only a NAZI or anti-democracy person can support that kind of hate. She has never really disavowed or distanced herself from race-hate. Who is next? Is it you?

    • Your ” real” god is Satan !!
      The Democrat party is satanic!! The TRUE GOD , JESUS, doesn’t condone the Democrats satanic agenda of abortion, infanticide, child mutilation, transgender, LGBT, drag queens in school, porn in school libraries, open borders allowing illegals to come across, rampant crime with little or no punishment.
      Jag can continue to pray to Satan but I read end of book!! God wins

    • OMG. If you think that Whoopi and Kamala are the purveyors of truth, you’ve NEVER known truth in your entire life. They are the epitome of blatant lies which is apparently what you mistook for the truth. You apparently are not watching/reading the real news, as your interpretation of what’s happening to America is totally skewed. The way Kamala “advanced” to candidate was underhanded. She was not voted in by Congress or we the people. She oozed her way in by being named by babbler-in-chief. It was not a democratic nomination/vote. BTW, we are not a Democracy, we are a Democratic Republic. As far as “pooping” out a lot of money, Sir Poops-a-Lot Biden/Harris have been pooping a lot of money to foreign countries and screwing over American people. The victims of the hurricanes are suffering as Biden(Joe and Jill) and Kamala have been handing bags of money to Ukraine and Lebanon and FEMA has been funding illegal aliens. The rest of America is also and has been suffering because of our high crime, open borders and shitty economy, among many other issues. Your “pooping” analogy belongs to its rightful owners, your heroes. We don’t think of Trump as our God – there is only one God but we do think of him as America’s savior who was sent to us for a second time to protect us from your thug heroes before they completely destroy America. Trump will make America great again. Have some more Kool-Aid or, should I say, another vaccine.

  3. JAG is nothing but a brain washed moronic democrat. That is if he even has a brain. camel Har**** and her brother Tampon Tim both fall in to the titles o traitor, liar and coward. Tampon Tim taught a lot of young people how to lie and turn their backs on those who depended on them. Not one person I know or have met that served in the uniform say that Tampon Tim is a REAL veteran but a coward in a uniform all ready to go trick or treating. He should face a military tribunal for treason.

  4. Kamala Harris is the definition of satinism the destroyer of any free thinking person who believes in a true democratic nation there are many examples of this through history hitler being the most profound taking the second amendment away from law biding citizens turns citizens into peasants to be controlled by the demons who are trying to take our rights away the first amendment and the second amendment and the fourth amendment are there to protect law biding citizens and keep us free from tyranny the demoncrats are just bunch of demons trying to take control of our country hitler punished the Jewish people my question is who are the democrats going to eliminate if they manage get complete control of our country


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