BENNY BENNY BENNY DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! LOL!!! Michael was tried at Gitmo, found guilty, and hung. Obummer the girly-man turned her in, and turned states evidence. But he will be in prison forever. And btw they have no kids. 2 fudge packers can’t get pregnant.
This is going too far. If the Obamas are having marital problems, it is not up to anyone to snoop. I think it is mean spirited to put their personal difficulties on display.
Headed towards d-vorce. Mich-el is a man – every detail, Adam’s apple, breast line implants, narrow hips, shoulders wider than any man, height. Obama called it Michael on a news report one time, corrected himself said Michelle in the next breath. This is all the evidence you need. They are good riddance. Names obliterated from history books – evl snak-s, athe-sts, l0ars, corr-pt. Sinful to the core. M got her law deg-ee revoked permanently.
Mich-el is so homely masculine in every respect. Melanie Trump is gorgeous world re-known model – great cheeks, bone structures on face and body – tall great body (natural). Melanie has beauty on the inside and outside and Melania is more educated, intelligent, more humanitarian, more kind-hearted, more feminine articulate voice, more Christian than any of previous first ladies.
The only mistake Michelle made was marrying Obama. Let’s refrain from behaving like “Demon Rats”; we are better than that, or at least I hope we are. Give her a break it must be tough being married to him.
Don’t care about these two. Can’t care b/c of the footing they put us on the 8 yrs before Trump, 4 yrs during first Trump with their evil antics, & 4 yrs of BS they forced upon us with Biden. We have a saying in our (former Democrat) home about Obama: “No one’s head could be higher than the King.” This is what ran his campaigns, his administration, which included the–even then—impotent Biden. This is what assaulted us during the First Trump campaign & presidency…& the subsequent fraud of the Senile Biden Years. It is also what destroyed the Democrat party for generations. No bench. Democrats lost their way due to the Obama mindset, & they “bought-in” big time. Now, like Scarlet O’Hara at the last party for Ashley, they are all dressed up in the red “whore” outfit & have to sit in public & “take it.”
He clearly has lost his makeup artist.
BENNY BENNY BENNY DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! LOL!!! Michael was tried at Gitmo, found guilty, and hung. Obummer the girly-man turned her in, and turned states evidence. But he will be in prison forever. And btw they have no kids. 2 fudge packers can’t get pregnant.
Great answers. I agree.
This is going too far. If the Obamas are having marital problems, it is not up to anyone to snoop. I think it is mean spirited to put their personal difficulties on display.
Headed towards d-vorce. Mich-el is a man – every detail, Adam’s apple, breast line implants, narrow hips, shoulders wider than any man, height. Obama called it Michael on a news report one time, corrected himself said Michelle in the next breath. This is all the evidence you need. They are good riddance. Names obliterated from history books – evl snak-s, athe-sts, l0ars, corr-pt. Sinful to the core. M got her law deg-ee revoked permanently.
Mich-el is so homely masculine in every respect. Melanie Trump is gorgeous world re-known model – great cheeks, bone structures on face and body – tall great body (natural). Melanie has beauty on the inside and outside and Melania is more educated, intelligent, more humanitarian, more kind-hearted, more feminine articulate voice, more Christian than any of previous first ladies.
Mike’s 5 o’clock shadow is showing really bad in that picture.
The only mistake Michelle made was marrying Obama. Let’s refrain from behaving like “Demon Rats”; we are better than that, or at least I hope we are. Give her a break it must be tough being married to him.
Don’t care about these two. Can’t care b/c of the footing they put us on the 8 yrs before Trump, 4 yrs during first Trump with their evil antics, & 4 yrs of BS they forced upon us with Biden. We have a saying in our (former Democrat) home about Obama: “No one’s head could be higher than the King.” This is what ran his campaigns, his administration, which included the–even then—impotent Biden. This is what assaulted us during the First Trump campaign & presidency…& the subsequent fraud of the Senile Biden Years. It is also what destroyed the Democrat party for generations. No bench. Democrats lost their way due to the Obama mindset, & they “bought-in” big time. Now, like Scarlet O’Hara at the last party for Ashley, they are all dressed up in the red “whore” outfit & have to sit in public & “take it.”
He/she is GONE!