YIKES: Obama Publishes Shocking ‘Hostage Photo’ of Michelle Amid DIVORCE Rumors | ‘This is Bad’



I am okay with Michelle and Pelosi NOT being there. It’s a blessing for us all.

Don’t care about these two. Life’s better off without them


  1. BENNY BENNY BENNY DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! LOL!!! Michael was tried at Gitmo, found guilty, and hung. Obummer the girly-man turned her in, and turned states evidence. But he will be in prison forever. And btw they have no kids. 2 fudge packers can’t get pregnant.

  2. This is going too far. If the Obamas are having marital problems, it is not up to anyone to snoop. I think it is mean spirited to put their personal difficulties on display.

  3. Headed towards d-vorce. Mich-el is a man – every detail, Adam’s apple, breast line implants, narrow hips, shoulders wider than any man, height. Obama called it Michael on a news report one time, corrected himself said Michelle in the next breath. This is all the evidence you need. They are good riddance. Names obliterated from history books – evl snak-s, athe-sts, l0ars, corr-pt. Sinful to the core. M got her law deg-ee revoked permanently.

  4. Mich-el is so homely masculine in every respect. Melanie Trump is gorgeous world re-known model – great cheeks, bone structures on face and body – tall great body (natural). Melanie has beauty on the inside and outside and Melania is more educated, intelligent, more humanitarian, more kind-hearted, more feminine articulate voice, more Christian than any of previous first ladies.

  5. The only mistake Michelle made was marrying Obama. Let’s refrain from behaving like “Demon Rats”; we are better than that, or at least I hope we are. Give her a break it must be tough being married to him.

  6. Don’t care about these two. Can’t care b/c of the footing they put us on the 8 yrs before Trump, 4 yrs during first Trump with their evil antics, & 4 yrs of BS they forced upon us with Biden. We have a saying in our (former Democrat) home about Obama: “No one’s head could be higher than the King.” This is what ran his campaigns, his administration, which included the–even then—impotent Biden. This is what assaulted us during the First Trump campaign & presidency…& the subsequent fraud of the Senile Biden Years. It is also what destroyed the Democrat party for generations. No bench. Democrats lost their way due to the Obama mindset, & they “bought-in” big time. Now, like Scarlet O’Hara at the last party for Ashley, they are all dressed up in the red “whore” outfit & have to sit in public & “take it.”


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