IF “we” cannot get rid of this level of incompetence, “WE” are the stupid ones! And cowards, sissies, pussies, wimps. Emasculated boys with no backbones or set of gonads
They are not incompetent. They are corrupt traitors trying ruin find personal gain using the temporary authority they found in government. It would be interesting to compare their personal wealth now with what it was when they took power – wife too if they have one.
I’m also Catholic and American and your chronic insults need to end. There are bad people of all races, genders, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, etc. but there are also good among all of those also. You cannot attack just one religion – that makes you a very small person. BTW, Biden is Catholic in name only. He is not a friend of Catholic citizens – just his cronies in high places. I don’t know enough about Majorkis except he’s an asshole and turned border control into a big joke. But I don’t care if he’s Catholic or not. That has nothing to do with his lack of ethics. To say no Catholic is an American is bigoted. It’s not only insulting and untrue, it’s also un-American, which makes you the non-American.
Perhaps try educating yourself before posting such “facts”. Both of Mayorkas’ parents were Jews – look it up. To attack all Catholics for the actions of a Jew is insane. Equally insane is attacking all Catholics for the actions of a moral scumbag like Biden, who doesn’t even follow the teachings of his own claimed religion. Are these two despicable individuals un-American? Absolutely. In fact they’re not only un-American, they’re ANTI-American. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with Catholicism.
IMO, you missed the point that that he collected a salary that the taxpayers worked hard to pay for, and DID NOT DO THE JOB FOR WHICH HE WAS HIRED TO DO AT ALL, and LIED over and over to congress while under oath. Makes me wonder if somebody or more than one somebody was on THE TAKE!
Send all the Democrats to the firing squad for treason of our country the murdering illegals the same we’d get the same treatment if we walked into another country and did the same. Compassion for them left
IF one socialist is alive in Amerika 4 years from now, WE will have failed in our mission to our families and our futures. WE will die, slaves to the evil empire of the socialist STATE. covid exposed those that feared man, rather than GOD. YOU sealed your fate, cowards
That ignorant shit bag doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
He is ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
He sold his soul and has blood on his hands for the agenda.
All the democrats have the same no soul, no conscience, no morals, blood and suffering on their hands Behavior. Their judgement day will come.
Would love to invite mayorkas and all the dems over for an all the rocks you can eat buffet, then invite them to go swimming in a deep lake.
The last 4 years, he spent burping, “The border is secure. Nothing to see here folks”. The border was, in fact, wide open with millions of illegal aliens pouring in here. How can he lie like that?
Lying seems to come very easily especially when you are being paid to LIE by another liar, his boss. Both collecting, but not delivering according to our constitution and laws, in essence, robbing the tax payers, to please those content to disobey and ignore our laws. Even lies under oath, and I’d bet there are kickbacks from the cartels in the works too. I’ve heard one of these liars, along with a son, is involved in 27 shell companies off shore, too. I suppose selling our country out to it’s enemies didn’t profit them enough. Sacrifice your country, your faith, and your morals (never had any) all for the almighty dollar, I suppose.
Not only does he need to go to jail he needs to be held accountable for the financial mess he has left the American taxpayer with. He needs to be bankrupted along with the corrupt Biden family and all those NGO’s who participated in this scheme.
Just for the border crisis alone, the WHOLE biden administration should be ashamed and put in prison on an island all by themselves, somewhere. What a poor excuse for an administration, it makes me want to puke.
The smug look on the face of this POS it’s absolutely disgusting. Every time I see his smug grinning face it gives me the overwhelming urge to just plant my fist right straight between his eyes
the FIBber office building is FULL of smug sniveling pussies too. Are they still sleeping with each other? Are “we” paying for their sex & vacations, like Georgia is?
One can only hope that he goes to Jail. He is a Traitor to the American People, and his oath.
IF “we” cannot get rid of this level of incompetence, “WE” are the stupid ones! And cowards, sissies, pussies, wimps. Emasculated boys with no backbones or set of gonads
They are not incompetent. They are corrupt traitors trying ruin find personal gain using the temporary authority they found in government. It would be interesting to compare their personal wealth now with what it was when they took power – wife too if they have one.
Beg to differ I’m Catholic and I’m American…your analogy is flawed thinking
I’m also Catholic and American and your chronic insults need to end. There are bad people of all races, genders, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, etc. but there are also good among all of those also. You cannot attack just one religion – that makes you a very small person. BTW, Biden is Catholic in name only. He is not a friend of Catholic citizens – just his cronies in high places. I don’t know enough about Majorkis except he’s an asshole and turned border control into a big joke. But I don’t care if he’s Catholic or not. That has nothing to do with his lack of ethics. To say no Catholic is an American is bigoted. It’s not only insulting and untrue, it’s also un-American, which makes you the non-American.
Perhaps try educating yourself before posting such “facts”. Both of Mayorkas’ parents were Jews – look it up. To attack all Catholics for the actions of a Jew is insane. Equally insane is attacking all Catholics for the actions of a moral scumbag like Biden, who doesn’t even follow the teachings of his own claimed religion. Are these two despicable individuals un-American? Absolutely. In fact they’re not only un-American, they’re ANTI-American. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with Catholicism.
IMO, you missed the point that that he collected a salary that the taxpayers worked hard to pay for, and DID NOT DO THE JOB FOR WHICH HE WAS HIRED TO DO AT ALL, and LIED over and over to congress while under oath. Makes me wonder if somebody or more than one somebody was on THE TAKE!
Mayorkas is jewish
And I’m Catholic and a proud american
Send all the Democrats to the firing squad for treason of our country the murdering illegals the same we’d get the same treatment if we walked into another country and did the same. Compassion for them left
IF one socialist is alive in Amerika 4 years from now, WE will have failed in our mission to our families and our futures. WE will die, slaves to the evil empire of the socialist STATE. covid exposed those that feared man, rather than GOD. YOU sealed your fate, cowards
That ignorant shit bag doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
He is ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
He sold his soul and has blood on his hands for the agenda.
All the democrats have the same no soul, no conscience, no morals, blood and suffering on their hands Behavior. Their judgement day will come.
Would love to invite mayorkas and all the dems over for an all the rocks you can eat buffet, then invite them to go swimming in a deep lake.
The last 4 years, he spent burping, “The border is secure. Nothing to see here folks”. The border was, in fact, wide open with millions of illegal aliens pouring in here. How can he lie like that?
Lying seems to come very easily especially when you are being paid to LIE by another liar, his boss. Both collecting, but not delivering according to our constitution and laws, in essence, robbing the tax payers, to please those content to disobey and ignore our laws. Even lies under oath, and I’d bet there are kickbacks from the cartels in the works too. I’ve heard one of these liars, along with a son, is involved in 27 shell companies off shore, too. I suppose selling our country out to it’s enemies didn’t profit them enough. Sacrifice your country, your faith, and your morals (never had any) all for the almighty dollar, I suppose.
Not only does he need to go to jail he needs to be held accountable for the financial mess he has left the American taxpayer with. He needs to be bankrupted along with the corrupt Biden family and all those NGO’s who participated in this scheme.
Just for the border crisis alone, the WHOLE biden administration should be ashamed and put in prison on an island all by themselves, somewhere. What a poor excuse for an administration, it makes me want to puke.

The smug look on the face of this POS it’s absolutely disgusting. Every time I see his smug grinning face it gives me the overwhelming urge to just plant my fist right straight between his eyes
the FIBber office building is FULL of smug sniveling pussies too. Are they still sleeping with each other? Are “we” paying for their sex & vacations, like Georgia is?
…said ONE bigoted non-American.
Al is an uneducated ignorant bigot !!
I thought that his “stunning admission” was that he is really LGBTQ.
Well, I suppose we will have to wait for that one.
When they deport all the ILLEGAL ALIENS, they might want to put Myjerkass on a plane and send his ass back to Cuba!
This monkeyfaced idiot has done great damage to the country – all the while lying that “the border is secure”.
all dems in jail for treason
I’d like to plant a strong right arm punch into his smug face. He’d go right down, not knowing what hit him.