Army Troops Flood NYC’s Subway… As Crime Spikes



“Crime is down, but murder, assault and burglary is up.”

What is down? Loitering and public urination?

If you were a governor of the state, and you have to deploy the National Guard to your subways, you have failed…..


  1. Reminds me of when they had a threat on the wall street stock exchange. I was paving wall street and they had guys with M16s walking around all day and had to move barriers for every truck of ours to get in. Every time I hear the song by AC/DC/s song I remember those 2 days paving

  2. The governor does not acknowledge the issues in our subways. She should be removed from the position she is unable to fulfill. What a disappointment she is. The day she staged her publicity stunt, claiming the subway is safe, a woman passenger was set on fire and burned to death.

  3. Welcome to communist Democrat run cities and states!!
    Biden pardons mass murders, he chul brings out national guard, My subways are murder central!!
    Blue cities overrun with illegal gangs!!
    And the uneducated Democrat cult voted for this !! As Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID”

  4. so its ok to use troops on the subway but not to guard the boarder or help round up illegals. hittler bitch was right, the demodope cult is stupid

  5. Sounds like the government ask for more crime when they put a person in jail for helping other THAT was pretty STUPID of them What happen to the Gardine Angles that was doing that job last week But if you dont have the authority to enforce laws with force you cant have laws When they took away the Cops athority to use force to take down a thug are even a suspected thug they can not do their job right

  6. Wow spoken like true Republican retards who voted for a lying reprehensible corrupt convicted orange skinned orangutan aka babbling baboon that you think is going to save this country.Hopefully he will convince you all to drink the kool are.Unfucking believable you are this stupid.WOW!!!!!!!

    • George is another uneducated ignorant lib cult member! Lacks intelligence to debate or post his disapproval without resorting to hatefilled profane language
      He is actually calling 70+ million Americans stupid !! Wow !

      Hey George remember Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID”” And you still support the communist Democrat party !! There is no debate as to who is really the ” stupid ” one here !

  7. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul should be removed from office. She’s the quintessential dumb c**t. She rode the subway with an entourage of NYS police and photographers in tow. Then she declared the subway safe. However, she will NEVER ride the subway alone, with no special protection. She could get punched, stabbed, set on fire, or pushed into the tracks. And she so richly deserves it.

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