Mysterious New Jersey Drone CRASHES, FBI Rush To Scene | What They Find SHOCKS…



This is more sus than 81 million votes for Biden.

The longer I live, the more I realize that the greatest threat to our country is its own government.


  1. Ratcheting up general unease before the Trump Transition and creating a sense of paranoia that benefits the Deep State. This is not covert intelligence gathering or the lights would not be on. This is a form of hazing, harassing the American public into irrational speculation. The Defense department KNOWS the who, what , when and where and is working against the Trump/American agenda.

    • You took the words right out of my mouth! You are 100% right!!
      People getting caught up in this is really stupid!! Don’t give our govt the pleasure of fooling you!

      • I think I’m reasonably well informed, and the Trump agenda is entirely destructive. Pull approval for Polio vaccine, kill many, many children. Pull approval for measles and scarlet fever, many more children die. Kill Daylight savings, many, many people are angry.
        The agenda is entirely destructive, and not at all informed by confirmed scientific data. These people do not live in reality: climate change is real, and will destroy the food generation of the country. Sea level rise will destroy any coastal cities and infrastructure, including subways in coastal cities. These guys are denying reality, and will kill many children and older people, including me, pushing eighty early next yesr.

        • You sound like the rest of the idiot Democrts. It is interesting that PRESIDENT TRUMP, is the only President that had 4 years withot war. If you thinck Climate change is res you are more foolish than I figured. The only thing about the climate is it runs on cycles. It has a little boost by the Gov. But, God takes care of that. Weare in a Judgment due to the Satanic Democrats fidaling with things not of God.

        • You claim it will kill many many Children? What is the Democrat party doing with abortian? Over a millian since the got in office. They put in laws to make it ok to kill/murder babies, not evenborn yet!Animals!

          • Not animals! Evil fiends maybe. Spawns of Satan more likely. Animals do not behave that way. They kill out of necessity.

        • John pull your head out of your arse!! The communist Democrats have worked overtime to destroy America and you are to ignorant to realize it! You have so much of the communist Kool aid you are blind and ignorant and that is what the communist Democrats want !!

    • I agree completely! The govt. thinks we’re stupid. That’s the indoctrinated braindead on their side. We have been paying attention and now it’s our turn. Trump will build MAGA back so it’s unbreakable and all of the corrupt crooks will be going to Gitmo to be judged by the tribunal for their crimes against America. Jan. 20th can’t get here soon enough! I’m 72 and my husband is 85 and I hope we will live long enough to see justice served.

    • Further PROOF the Biden White House decision makers are TRAITORS TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC!
      These people need to be “outted”, indicted and convicted for TREASON!

  2. Why would spy drones be working at night, with full Christmas lights on? The resolution of cameras at night has to be very poor. If they wanted to spy with cameras, it’d be in the daylight. This is just more social media clown show stuff.

    • They probably have night vision video cameras on the drones. My backyard is pitch black and my trail camera records deer. I think they are surveillance drones looking for something or someone.

  3. Manned drones by the looks of it ,thats why they have not given the order to shoot them down,put a hot air balloon in the sky it gets shot down, they fly over the military airbase and nothing haha they are treating everyone as stupid !

    • Why else would anyone need a car-sized drone unless it was manned? We should say, “Announce yourself and land your craft or be shot down.” Then shoot them down if they do not comply. Others might choose to comply. Unless, these are govt.-controlled drones to scare the hell out of American citizens, which I wouldn’t put it past them. Biden is making sure he sabotages as much as he can and he’ll go out with a bang.

  4. A drone crashed? Why wasn’t it on the TV News? BTW, climate change is a hoax. Here in the northeast, our winters are just as cold as ever. We recently got clobbered with snow.

    • So true! I used to live in Utica, and told most folks that it’s an OK town as long as you enjoy snow on the ground 90 days of the year and a few sub-zero nights!

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