BREAKING: Obama’s Gay Cover Story Just Leaked And Jennifer Aniston is Literally Shaking



Barry is gay. It is a cover for something bigger that will come out.

When will Barry be arrested for TREASON!


  1. President Trump well done. This is not about reputation. What happened to you & your Family as well as those affiliated with you. Should never ever happen again. Those responsible for this criminal behavior MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE…no more and no less..

  2. Aniston what a low life fool you are. Dating a married former US Pres.
    Not that he is any prize and you are surely not!!
    Looks like you are hard up for a man ( or a switch a rue )
    You should be ashamed of yourself. Is he the best you can do.
    This guy is a fake a phoney and a liar…..what are you but an
    embarassment …..shame shame shame…..Obama is no prize.
    Always thought you were really something but looking at this I
    was badly mistaken about you…

  3. No one really cares about who does who, who’s having affairs, etc. Probably a smoke screen for something more serious. It’s more about honesty and being open with the public paying your salaries & bennies. So a sitting state senator not only buying & using drugs which are illegal but also supplying them to another person while advocating against drugs and drug dealers? That’s a problem. Lack of transparency has been a blight in our govt, state & federal for far too long. Time is way past due to come clean & be truthful to the citizens of states & country.

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